Sunday, November 29, 2009

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

My hair is shoulder length. I want to grow it to right above my bust. Do any of you have any tips for how i can help my hair to grow faster? Anything i can eat? I don't really want to put any chemicals on it...actualy i'd rather stay as natural as possible.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

There's nothing you can do to make your hair grow faster.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

drink lots of milk

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

get a hair growing shampoo and use it till you get the length you want

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

pull it

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

when your body is healthy, your hair and nails grow faster

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

You can take prenatal vitamins and when you wash your hair, gently scrub your scalp with your knuckles.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

Massage your scalp every night, or have someone else do it. Same with brushing it more. It makes blood flow better to the scalp.Someone told me this and I didn't believe it could be that easy, but I have my husband do it and my hair has grown a lot faster than ever. Thats the only thing different I have done except I started taking folic acid. But I tend to think it is the stimulation of the scalp. Healthy habits help too, lots of water, good food and exercise. :-)

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

try garnier frutis long and strong.. i used it and in two months my hair grew 5 inches, which is a subtancial amount of growth for my hair, it also cut down on breakage as well. now my hair is past mid back! and it's all natural!

good luck!

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

i have hair down to my butt and everyone says you must of never cut your hair because it is so long but i really do cut my hair all you hav 2 do is get a little trim once a month then it will grow and untill it gets to where you want it just keep it there! It worked for me.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

im mexican and my mom once told me if i want longer hair just put olive or castor oil in hair for 15 minutes everyday then wash it out, there available at a walgreens in the hair or body isle

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

I fink if you get ur dead ends cut every few weeks it helps ya hair grow a bit faster than it normaly would. Unless thats jst my hair

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

go on a high protein diet and wash your hair with an egg once a week. this will work because your hair is over 90% protein, and is the body's way of getting rid of protein.

also you should trim your hair regularly but not too often or else it defeats the purpose!

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

dude...are you black? cause if you are you better be frikkin happy its even shoulder length! i remember when my hair was shoulder length... it broke off. i want it all back!

you know how black chicks are these days, all that weave...

some people just dont know what they got till its gone.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

this article has several things about hair and the treatment and care

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

Take care of it, take prenatal vitamins too. You can buy them at GNC.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

cut it when there is a full moon.

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