Sunday, November 29, 2009

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Okay people tell me your HAIR does grow a little a month. That's not true. My hair is the same length, yeah people do say you just can't tell that it has grown because it's just little by little but really it hasn't grown, It's been the same length for 1 year, can anyone help? Is it that i don't eat enough nutrious food?

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

I have been taking hair supplements for the past 3 years and here is what I have found.

ProCaps labs makes a great supplement called "Hair Skin and Nails" formula, here is the link for that

This is in capsule form and easy to swallow. This company, ProCaps labs is also extremely reputable and carries pure and effective products.

I took GNC's Nourishair for four months, and supplemented it with extra Biotin tablets daily due to its low Biotin content. I took 2500 micrograms extra Biotin with the GNC pills.

The Procaps hair vites have 2500 micrograms of Biotin in them, and don't really require extra Biotin be taken, but I do take an additional 2500 micrograms of Biotin for a daily total of 5000 micrograms of Biotin.

My hair is growing in thick and dark and quite quickly. My hair used to be very slow growing, but all of these supplements have really made a difference.

The only way to really change the health of your hair is by taking supplements that work internally on the follicle where hair is made, any shampoos or oils or other topically applied things do nothing to change hair's structure, that can only happen with systemically provided support, which means supplements that you take internally.. Keep in mind, regardless of how many or how much you take of any supplement, hair is never going to grow at a "Jack and the beanstalk" type of rate, the most you can hope for is to improve the strength and health of each hair follicle and to see an incremental increase in the rate of its growth

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

trim ur hair every 3/4 months, eat lots of protein, apply oil on ur hair

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Some people's hair stop growing at a certain length.Not everyone's will get down to their butt or even past their shoulders. Its hereditary! Mine has stopped and its a little past my shoulders. If you want longer hair, the best way to go is extensions. I have used them, and I love them. And trimming your hair every so often doesn't really help it to grow. Try wearing it up or in a rubber band often if you atleast want to try getting it longer! Good luck

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?


My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Your hair is damaged. Your ends are shedding without you realizing it.

Go to the hairdresser and get a trim or cut that damage out. That is the only way you will see growth.

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

taking the right vitamins and supplement in your daily diet would help hair growth, you also need to have head massage for proper blood circulation in the scalp:

Hair Growth Vitamins

Head Massage For Fast Hair Growth

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