Sunday, November 29, 2009

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

My cousin got cancer and i shaved my haed for her and now we are both growing our hair back does anybody know anything to help us out please help us if u can

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Brush it at least 100 strokes a day with a boar bristle brush, and be sure to use a deep conditioner weekly. The brush will distribute the natural oils of your scalp, keeping the strands healthy and preventing breakage. The conditioner will also help avoid breakage which slows hair growth.

P.S. Your cousin is lucky to have you in her family! Way to make a sacrifice for someone other then yourself. I hope you can hold onto this selfless behavior- it will serve you well in life!

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?


or rogain

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

eat more fatty food.........'hahahahahaha'

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Eat lots of works wonders!

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

No I don't, but way to go. You did a great thing!!

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

try vitamins

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

I have some hair growing ointment, I could sell you.....get in contact with me if you are interested.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

trim it once a month. and brush it a lot!!

good luck

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?


My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

well i dont know if this will help u but ur hair grows 1/2 in every ya

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

If you could get your hands on some prenatal vitamins it would help your hair grow faster.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

No matter what you do or what vitamins you take,etc.---everyone's hair grows at approximately the same rate--1/2 inch per month.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

my hair is 11 inches. all u have 2 do is take care of it! use vitamins and brush it. u should get results soon. :) that was so nice of u to give ur hair to your cousin!

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Go buy the shampoo called MANE N TAIL you can get it from walmart or Sally's beauty salon it helped me grow my hair fast...Good luck..

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

to tellyou the truth get preg my hair is down my back and it grew over night! well another way would be to masage you scalp when you wash it and really scrub you r head when putting shampoo on.... other than that no your stuk

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

sorry i don't know of anything that would help it grow but that is so incredible of you to do something so sweet and selfless for her. good luck.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Well, the only way I know is:

1. Eat lots of fruit and veggies. [ my mom does that and she has very long hair]

2. Get a trim every 4-6 weeks [ your hair will grow faster without split ends]

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Yes, your hair and nails are made from protein. If you eat a lot of it, your hair and nails will grow faster. Um, not sure about these other peoples advice whereas mine is based on fact. Oh yeah and you're the s h i t for cutting your hair for your cousin. :-)

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

wigs or use garnier long and strong, it simulates hair growth. massaging your scalp ralaxes your hair follicals and helps hair to grow faster

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Horse shampoo,it makes your hair thick and faster growing

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Try a product called rogaine

I hope you wont cut off your hair again because depending on your age it will never grow back fully again or take many years.I have witnessed at least two girls whose hair stopped growing after they kept it short or cut it off.. They were in their thirties

Long hair is sexy. feeling sexy secretes hormones of estrogen and decreases testosterone.. It is the estrogen that keeps you from getting bald. If you are fridgid and a tom boy, you will need extra help.

Good luck

If yu are over thirty you are in trouble.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Your cousin is so lucky to have you. I'm sure she appreciates your sacrifice to help her through these times. Unless you're unhealthy, your hair will just grow at it's normal pace. I suggest that you eat well and take vitamins. Please don't try any home remedies or weird solutions to make it grow faster. It could do more harm than good

It seems difficult now, but this time next year your hair will look much better and you will feel good about how you supported your cousin for the rest of your life. :)

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

wear a wig if not shaved it again lolz

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to hair growth

Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/


Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

Henna on hair/Splitends/


Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness

Makeup/Hair styles

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Biotin is necessary for hair growth. There are many sources of biotin such as brewer's yeast, brown rice, bulgur, green peas, lentils, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. It is present in some shampoos, so you can use shampoos, which contain biotin. It is advised to consult a physician before taking any vitamins or medications for hair growth.

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