Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help

and about how long cause yeah i'm really trying to grow my hair long but you know how difficult that can be for black females . So yeah thanks ^_^

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

massage with vitamine E oil

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

i use motions hair stuff , it rocks and plus i use it and now my hair is fine , it used to be like short and breaking off and stuff but now its all shiny, and manageable , girls you should try it ,

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

No matter what you do, hair will grow the same speed as always. Prenatal vitamins made my hair healthy and strong, and they're not expensive.

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

brush it all the time (like 6 times a day)

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

I'm not a female, but I think you should try A Product called "wild Growth"...I went from a bald fade to a fro long enough to be braided in two months...After a year it was past my shoulders...I just cut it all off, now I'm back to a fade.

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

scalp massage encourages great blood circulation and in turn promotes hair to grow. a diet high in protein helps too. every 6-8 weeks get about a centimetre trimmed off to get rid of split ends and get a keratin treatment done too (keratin is naturally found in hair) try to avoid products that dry your hair out (mousse, hairspray) use leave in treatments as a styling product or hair moisturises.

Unfortunately, there is no quick fix to growing hair faster and these tips can help but results vary for each individual. some people get no faster results, some do. give yourself 6 months to a year to notice any real change, as the average rate of hair growth is between half a centimetre to 1 and a half centimetres per 4 weeks. good luck

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

The hair grows at an average rate of about 1/2 inch per month. Yeah pretty slowly.

However, you can stimulate your hair growth in 3 simple basics:

1- Eat healthy. Nutritional deficiencies can contribute to slow hair grow. Drink plenty of water.

2-Take of your scalp. Stay away from perms and other chemicals, as this will damage your scalp and hair. Get a scalp massage for 10 min once a week.

3- Conditione and moisturize your hair as often as possible, best if done 3 times a week and every time you wash your hair. Use the proper conditioner for your hair type and use products that contain olive oil and aloe Vera, this will promote your hair growth and make your hair look great and healthier.

Hope this will help.

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

Its not difficult for black women, my grandmother has hair that is past her waist and she is always cutting it.

I am in the process of growing out my hair...

I had cut it to less than two inches about a year and a half ago.. and then once again after that, I can't remember exactly when...

The more you do to it the more it'll break off... so in other words... greasing it, not washing it as often as you should, putting heat on it, putting weaves in it... will all contribute to weak and breaking hair.

Frequent perming, trimming and such also will cause it to not attain length.

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

Henna can be used once a month to thicken hair. If you don't want the reddish tint of henna, try using neutral henna. It's a great conditioner and also has amla, brahmi and jatamansi, all rich in protein. This protein hair pack is also available at Kathiawar Stores.

Coconut has keshya properties -- that is, it improves hair quality. In Southern India, women apply coconut oil to their hair every day-which gives them long, lustrous locks.

You can use the oil as soon as you make it .You don't have to wait at all. If you can warm the oil and use it for hair , will be the best . Massage with your fingertips into your scalp. If you plan to shampoo your hair that day massage well into the scalp and hair and see that the oil reaches the end of your hair. Then an hour later you can shampoo your hair with a mild herbal shampoo. If you don't plan to shampoo that day, take some oil in your fingertips and massage your scalp before going to bed. Tie up your hair for the night or plait it. In the morning , comb your hair and style it as you like . All the best.

Apply coconut oil every day...

Conditioning treatments with henna, at least once every week, will help to restore the damage and strengthen hair. Henna not only conditions hair, but also improves the texture.Nutritional deficiencies are also considered to be a possible cause of hair loss. Anaemia and a lack of the B-Complex Vitamins not only lead to falling hair, but also make hair dull and weak. As in the case of most problems, we should have a look at our lifestyle when confronted with a problem of thinning hair. Smoking and excessive intake of alcohol can cause a depletion of the essential nutrients and may be a contributory factor in hair loss. The daily diet should also be high in the essential food elements, in order to ensure healthy hair. A certain amount of hair fall is normal. It is when the loss exceeds replacement that the problem becomes apparent.

Herbs for Hair

Much success has been achieved with the use of plant ingredients, for the treatment of hair problems, selecting extracts that are known to promote hair growth and keep the scalp in a healthy condition. Not only do these ingredients have powerful therapeutic value, but the body responds well to natural organic substances.

Among the plant ingredients that have been used in the treatment of hair problems are Amla, Shikakai, Reetha, Bael, Henna, Hibiscus, Jatmansi, Neem, Lemon Grass, Bhringaraj, Mint and so on.

Neem, one of the most popular and versatile ingredients, is nature's own antibiotic. It has been used for centuries to cure skin and scalp disease.

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