Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

and so much body!

they just dont know how good they got it.

and for you people that need proof, there was this girl at my school who shaved her head, within a couple of months it was to her ear. ive been waiting for my hair to grow for YEARS.

its just not fair.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

White people have more karetinization in their hair, also more moisture, this allows for faster growth and more manageability. But, hair only grows less than one third of an inch every few months. But also, I have known some beautiful women of color with absolutely gorgeous hair. I guess it all depends really on how you take care of it, and how much you are willing to spend on trying to get your hair the way you want it.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I love my hair, you just dont know how good you have it sista 8)

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

we wash our selves

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I'm white, and my hair doesn't grow that fast...

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???


Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I am very white and my hair grows REALLY slowly. I had really short hair 6 years ago, and now it's only just brushing my back in the back, at the sides it's just past my ears.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

No it's not fair.

Wow a girl shaved her head and now she has hair and that is proof that white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast!!!!

Well I know a white caucasian girl who has shaved her head and her hair has not grown back, this is proof that white caucasian girls hair does not grow fast.

So there, sorry it is just not fair.....

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I know right,I think that it's in their blood it's just natural for them

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

Dear fully,every ones different, 6 brothers,2 bald as a bat,2 thinning,and 2 hair down past there shoulders.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I suspect white people, having spent thousands of years in the higher latitudes and cooler climates have an advantage in being a little "furrier" than people whose genes evolved in the lower more tropical latitudes. We have fair skin to allow for production of vitamin D, and more hair to keep us warm. Those of you with brown skin can better tolerate the more intense UVA and UVB from the sun (did you ever notice we burn more easily than you do in the sun?).

I don't know that hair that grows fast is all that much of an advantage. I currently don't live as far north as my ancestors in Europe. I wear clothes to keep warm, but if I want to look nice I have to shave twice a day... and I look a bit like a Chia Pet with no clothes on. I doubt seriously you have to trim the hair on your body, but If I don't it becomes unsightly. ...and I have to get my hair cut every other week, or I start to look like a wild man.

It may not be "fair" because you envy something you don't have. But you are who you are... think about that the next time you're enjoying the summer sun, and I'm looking for some SPF50!

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I actually sit around my apartment with gritted teeth every night--that seems to help my hair growth a lot! :-D

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