Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

I'm very much in need of something for quicker hair growth.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

None that I know of , But I Don't know it all. Try a hair vitamin

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

there is a product that does that

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

eat your vitamins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Coming down to earth and living in reality might be a good start. Try talking to your hair dresser or pharmacist, or even a dermatologist. Make believe isn't going to make your hair grow any faster.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Spell for Beautiful Hair

When to do this ritual: hag's hare moon, before Venus hour

Tools needed:

a brush

a pink candle

goddess oil

Venus incense

a mortar and pestle

a dash o lemon juice

three tablespoons of flaxseed oil

one brown egg

three tablespoons of maidenhair

a pinch of ground ginseng

plastic wrap



three gallons of rain water

Instructions: Bend over at the waist and brush your hair upside down for one hundred strokes ,making sure the scalp is stimulated and all residues of styling aids are gone.

Anoint the candle with the oil. Light the candle and the incense. Place the lemon juice, flaxseed oil, egg, maidenhair and ginseng in the mortar, and grind with the pestle until the potion is gooey.

When Venus hour approaches, recite the incantation over the potion. Incantation:

Potion of witches with beautiful hair,

Adorn my head beyond compare.

Rich and thick the potion goes,

Absorb the sunshine and the glow.

Maidens weave the gorgeous threads,

That creates the hair upon my head.

Combine the the egg, magick, and grain,

And rise me beautiful with iris rain.

So mote it be

Work the potion into your hair until it is saturated. Place the plastic wrap over your hair and let it sit. Go outside and soak up the sun. Feel the potion tingling and revitalizing your hair. After a hour in the sun, shampoo and condition your hair, but before your final rinse of the conditioner thoroughly rinse your head in the rain water. Allow your hair to air dry naturally. You will see a improvement in your hair instantly.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Then go to a hairdresser and buy something special like one of the nexxus products or something. A spell won't grow your hair, any more than it will do anything else for you. What a crock of sh..soup.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

yes i'm sure spells will work. If you do spells on your hair for a few months or even a year, i'm sure you will see some hair growth in that time.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

yes get pregnant.

or buy hair extensions.

proven to grow hair. lol.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

One eye of newt. Two ounces of a cancerous cervix. Green ketchup. Say "Taco Justin loves da balls" 14 times.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

There are natural shampoos that are not as chemically enhanced and have natural herbs that help hair. As was said earlier, a good diet is also essential.

Also, like branches, the more you cut and trim them, the stronger they get. Same goes for hair

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

aloe Vera is great but buy the plant apply the jelly part to your hair it works for me

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Going into an altered state and visualizing what you want will work wonders. Honestly, you don't need spells. Just focusing your mind can work - basically magick anyway (or science). Mind over matter ;)

Having said that, diet works wonders. Make sure you are eating enough fatty acids like walnuts, almonds, peanut butter, flax oil. Take a multivitamin daily. Cut down on sugar and drink some water throughout the day.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

OH. EM. GEE! I have the best shampoo for that! I made it myself. It works miracles let me tell ya girl. I like to call it Miranda's Miracle! (cuz. ya know. my rat's name is miranda and this shampoo is a miracle! she looks like a mop now!) Anyways. So you just put some peanut butter, regular shampoo (i prefer garnier), some nair, some mint and vanilla extract, strawberries (smoothified), and some chocolate ice cream.

Don't ask me how I came up with this stuff. But it works, k? Try it!

Mmmhmmm, Miranda's gonna work some miracles on you girl.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

I know a spell where you must exist for 2-3 months eating only healthy foods and not cutting your hair...that should do the trick.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

gelatin capsules

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Well you see, it's like this. In the REAL world, spells and such don't work. In BUFFY, or CHARMED, you might have better luck with that (J/K - i have wierd humour)

Seriously though, talk to your hairdresser about products that will help strengthern your hair. Getting it trimmed at regular intervals will help as well. Eating habits also effect hair grown. In short, no pun intended, you can't. Hair pretty much grows at a maximum rate of half an inch per month no matter what you do. (unless you are ill or pregnant) If you really want long flowing tresses, get hair extensions or a wig. You can get extensions to match your natural hair colour.

check out this hair advice article


Prenatal vitamins don't do SQUAT for the hair. It's because your hormones are all outa whack

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

B vitamin and proteins in might help.

That said, some people just dont have biologically strong hair (they call that angel hair, and it's mostly given to blond heads).

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Prenatal vitamins are wonder full!!!! i never stop taking them after the birth of my kids,, my hair was very thin before not any more!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Get it cut when the moon is full.....

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Not too sure about spells, but I recall something about that when you write a spell you are supposed to spell out the intent and make it rhyme. In terms of a natural thing that may help is henna, a herb which will strenghten your hair and bond split ends to help it grow.

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