Sunday, June 20, 2010

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

Okay so my hair is about a little past my shoulders. I want it to grew a few more inches but I always trim it about every two months because I hate the feeling of unhealthy hair. If I trim about an inch off every two months, will my hair not grow longer? I've also heard that trimming helps for your hair to grow faster.

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

Well hair grows on average about 1/2 of an inch per month, so using calculations, your not going to get far. I know what you mean about healthy hair but you could probably last about 3 months if you look after it (any longer will totally damage), or if you're going to have it done every two months, don't cut so much off, may be half an inch for example.

The myth about making your hair grow faster is often mis-interpreted. It doens't make it grow faster, however, having it cut regularly will reduce split ends which then break off, making it naturally shorter in some parts. There is no magic way to make your hair grow faster. But following my steps above may help!

Good luck!


Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

One of the things that is important, no matter what your hair length is (but especially if you are trying to grow it) is nutrition.

Providing that you are not already on a high-calorie diet, add a slim-fast or ensure or other protein-vitamin drink a day to your regular food intake. Report It

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

deary this is true....triming splits will help your hair grow as long as you dont hack off four inches youre good to go!

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

you hair is always growing it does not stop because of being cut

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

it is actually best to keep trimming your hair to get rid of all the dead ends. so just keep on trimming.

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

since your hair grown 1 inch every 2 months and u are trimming one inch every two months u probably will not notice a difference in the length of your hair, but it is still gowing...trimming doesnt affect the speed of the growth. try triming 2 inches every 6 months...thats what i do

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

it will grow. hair doesnt stop growing until youre dead. i heard once that trimming your hair on a regular basisi will make it grow faster. i dont know tho,. that could be bullshit. oh wait, yeah you already said that. lol

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

No, at least not as much as you are suggesting. Hair grows on average 6 inches per year. That's one inch every two months. So if you cut your hair one inch every two months, unless you have remarkably quick hair growth, your hair will only stay the same. Go to your stylist, explain you are growing your hair out. She can probably only trim 1/4" in most places. That should be enough to et rid of split ends. Many stylists also offer free bang trims in between. That can help give style when the rest of your hair is still a work in progress.

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

Trimming helps keep split ends from developing or getting worse. It does not affect the rate at which your hair will grow.

If you don't have a real problem with lots of split ends, space out the trimmings a bit more.

You can twist sections of your hair and trim off any split ends that stick out with small scissors in between professional appointments. (ex. the kind used for babies)

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

Your hair grows out from your head, not at the ends. Trimming will not make your hair grow faster. And if you trim an inch off every 2 months, your hair will get longer only if it grows more than an inch every 2 months (everyone's hair grows at a different rate).

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

It makes no difference what happens to the ends, it grows from the roots.

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

trimming your hair has nothing to do with how it grows. We're talking about opposite ends of the hair, and they don't effect each other.

If you trim dead ends regularly, the hair appears healthier and longer then if it was uneven and split at the ends.

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

You should trim your hair every 3mths or so and yes your hair would still grow....

Trimming your hair doesn't make it grow faster.... it makes it grow healhier by getting rid of the dead ends before they can develop and start to damage your hair. That's why it's reccommened you trim your hair every couple mths.


Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

then you should not cut your hair and then if you do then always wear your hair up in a bun, pony tail to keep you away from cutting it!

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

You should only cut/trim the breakage off. the part that is breaking and splitting.

You loose or should i say shead hair everyday. You also grow about 100 strands a day. It is normal.

When your hair grows then you trim it, you are actually cuting off the part that has grown. You are going in circles in a sense. If your hair is not breaking or splitting you should just let your hair grow out (as crazy as it may) until it reaches the desired length, then passed the desired length about an inch to an inch and half the do your regular trimming again.

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

like the best way taht your hair can grow faster is by taking vitamin E gel tablets once a day and this will defenitrly help. Good luck! you'll see the results in 3 weeks!

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

Of course your hair will still grow. It sometimes makes your hair grow faster, but not always. Hair grows from your scalp, not the ends you want to trim it. If you dont, the 'dead' ends will eventually get to your scalp and your hair wont grow hardly at all.

%26lt;/3 Courtney

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

Your hair will still grow, and trimming it every 6 weeks is very good for your hair, so keep it up. If you don't get those maintenance trims, you'll eventually get split ends.

In saying that your hair grows faster after being trimmed is both true and untrue. The reason is that when you are getting a trim, they are trimming off the damaged ends of your hair. If you have split ends, your hair basically stops growing or at least slows down in growth, so regular maintenance trims help to keep your hair healthy and constantly growing. Really it just SEEMS like it is growing faster, it was slowed because of damage, you get rid of the damage and it starts back at its regular pace.

Just make sure when you get it trimmed that the stylist knows you are trying to grow it out and just want the very ends trimmed.

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

The only way to grow your hair is to grow it...without trimming. I believe that healthy hair is more important than if you are styling your hair in a way that makes the ends are going to need to keep trimming. Do what you can to keep your hair healthy, and let it grow past your desired length. Its only gonna be a couple more months...hang in there!

Can my hair still grow even if I trim it?

Yes...........its true that trimmings help your hair grow faster my opinion...i'd rather have healthy hair then long unhealthy hair. But yes i would get it cut about 1/2 inch or inch.

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