Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Everytime i go to get my hair trimmed they always take off too much no matter what. its like they go sizzors happy. trying to grow my hair longer. should i get it cut even though they'll cut it short and its already growing to slow! or can i just go without cutting off the split ends. advice please!

please dont advertise any products or supposible "cure". cuz most likely im not gonna buy a 60 dollar split end mender off the net. thanks anyways. dont mean to be tough. just wanted to know if i can go without cutting my hair. would it look worse if i went all school year without cutting it? i know they say cut it every like 6 weeks. But it doesnt seem to grow then! and they always take off more then i want. i heard of dusting just getting the split they actially do that in salons? Thanks alot ^__^

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Cut and condition your hair.....ALOT of Condition.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

you really should. you can keep growing your hair, but it isn't going to be pretty. it sucks, but if you want healthy hair, it needs to be done. the reason why they cut so much is because the split-ends are probably gorwn out more than you think. you need to cut the hair a bit before the actual split-ends to assure the healthiest hair. get the trim, then try some different techniques to avoid split-ends. good luck!

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Split ends are dead hair so it want grow until that part is cut of the dead ends

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Hi yes you want to get the ends trimmed to keep it healthy if they keep cutting it too short go some where else To help your hair grow stronger and maybe faster try taking vitamin A and E it is supposed to be good for the hair and nails.. Good Luck

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?


Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

you can go without having your hair cut. the downside is that your hair will only grow so much with split ends, then it just stops.

i would recommend going to a nicer salon and have them do your haircut with a razer blade. it will trim off the split ends that you do have, and it will prevent your hair from splitting as easily. that will help your hair to grow faster.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

There are ways to get rid of some of the split ends. Your stylist can twist sections of your hair really tight, then run their fingers up your hair strands, causing some of the split ends to stick out. Then they just cut off the ends, but it doesnt get all of them. If you want the split ends gone, you're going to have to get your hair trimmed. As a stylist sometimes its frustrating to only cut off 1/4" when they really need at least and inch taken off to get rid of the split ends. I'm not saying its okay for them to cut more, I dont do it, but I can see why they do sometimes.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

i have your same problem.i'm 13 and i want my hair to be long for the 8th grade (next year). my hair only goes a few inches over my shoulder yet every time i go to get it done they fret over split ends and become scissor maniacts(spelling). but the truth is, they are actually doing the right thing. cutting off split ends will benefit your hair growth. if you dont cut the split ends your hair will grow, then break off right where your split-ends are. next time ask them to cut half the amount they think is neaded, and within months watch your hair grow. it worked for me!!!:)

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Dear Goldfish1679!

Your question told me that you are suffering from Split Ends now a days with your Hair whether you want your hair to be longer than now! Right?

No Problems Dear GoldFish! Just try following tips and you will feel reasonable change in your hair soon.

1. Always use luke warm water for washing your hair instead of cold one

2. Forget about those Anti-Dandruff Shampoos and try using a Herbal Shampoo instead

3. Massage your hair softly while doing shampoo

4. After Shampoo wash deeply to completly remove foam from hair

5. Wrap your hair with Towell up

6. Press very Softly

7. Leave the Towel for 10 Minutes

8. Now Open your hair and Comb with a Wide Teeth Comb

9. Try using Herbal Mask in a week extremely good for your hair

10. Cut Split ends regularly until they grow straight

11. Take care of your hair and protect them from dust and polution

I m sure you will soon find your hair smiling...what about you?

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Your hair won't grow anyways if you don't trim it. so trim it.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Bottom line. If you cut your hair it will not grow. Hair grows an average of 1/2" per month. If you have an inch cut off every six to eight weeks.....Well, you do the math.

If you have splits, and trust me, everyone has some, there are things you can do to help combat them and still grow your hair as long as you want to.

First, treat your hair like fine, antique lace. This means:

Wash with diluted shampoo, don't pile your hair on top of your head and scrub. Just pour the diluted shampoo on your scalp and pat and press the hair. Then gently squeeze the suds down your length. Rinse and apply conditioner. Use a rich, slippy conditioner. Using a seamless wide-tooth shower comb, gently comb your hair, from the ends up, to remove tangles. Be gentle and don't rip the comb through your hair. Rinse and add a leave in, if you like one. Never, never, never brush wet hair. It causes stretching, splitting and breakage!

Turbie or towel wrap your hair only for a few minutes, just to blot it. Now, gently comb again. Let your hair air dry. Put it in an updo or a braid to protect it and keep it neat. Yes, a braid or an updo is a style! Not everyone has the guts to be different, elegant and wear them, tho.

Some other hints to help with split ends. Instead of trimming all the time, just do search and destroy. Sit in a sunny spot or in a room with bright lighting. using small, extremely sharp scissors, examine the ends of your hair and then just cut off the splits, just above the split. Leave the undamaged hairs alone. Do regular S%26amp;D missions and you can skip a lot of trims. You will have to snip splits a lot, at first, but as your hair gets in better condition and you snip away the splits, you will have fewer of them. If you keep your hair in good condition, you should only need to trim a couple of times a year and your hair will grow much faster, because you won't be cutting off all your growth.

Avoid heat. Blow dryers, hot rollers, curling irons and especially flat irons are death to hair and cause split ends. If you must blow dry, use the lowest hjeat setting, it should only feel gently warm to your skin and a low fan speed. Use your fingers or a seamless wide tooth comb to gently comb the hair to prevent tangles. Remember, don't brush wet hair!

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

hair grows from the top of the head people!

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Splitends / Fruit Packs for scalp

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

yes its good to get your split ends trimmed. Its better for your hair to get the ends trimmed . I get mine trimmed every 4 to 6 months.

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