Sunday, June 20, 2010

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

I've been told by many hairstylists that i need to come in every 6-8 weeks to trim my hair and it will grow faster but I take such good care of my hair that it doesnt' "look" like it needs to be cut. However I want my hair back to the length it used to be. So does getting a trim that regularly REALLY help your hair grow? If so, can you tell me how?

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

Getting your hair trimmed every 6 weeks does not Literally make your hair grow faster it just helps prevent you from getting split ends which causes your hair to shorten as your hair splits up the hair follicle.

Hope this helps~

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

It won't actually grow faster, but the ends will be healthy and not break off. Thus, your hair WILL get longer faster.

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

Yes, it keeps your hair smooth. Which in turn prevents breakage and you will notice the growth.

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

well not sure though

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

I think it does because when you get a trim your removing the dead and split ends which can slow the growth process down

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

i herd that it will grow more b/c u cut off the dead hair and stuff but im not sure about faster

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

Your hair grows from your scalp, trimming the ends will only keep them healthy. Trimming has absolutely NO effect on the rate of growth. Hairdressers tell clients this to ensure repeat visits.

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

It doesn't make it grow faster. How could it, if you think about it.

What frequent trims will do for you is to prevent split ends, which cause breakage, which give the appearance of "slower growing hair." You do need to trim your hair to keep the ends neat...but not THAT often.

I have very long hair and it is healthy. I go for trims about every 3 months or so and I have my girl just take off the ends.

Happy growing to you!

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

Yes it definitely helps

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

no but it will keep you from having split ends

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

yes because if the ends are split you wont notice any growth on your hair so you ahve to get it trimed about every 6-8 weeks to keep it healthy even if it doesnt look like it needs to be cut. yeahh i take reallyyy good care of my hair too and i stil have to get it trimmed and i hate getting it trimmed but it does help. =]

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

Yes you should get a trim about every 6 to 8 wks. keeps split end's away. And it will grow faster. Also use a good shampoo and conditioner. It should be a hydrating shampoo. biologe is a good choice.

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

no, but it does get rid of split ends

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

yes it does my mom is a hair stylist she says it keeps your hair smooth and even so it will grow much faster

hope thet helps !

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

It keeps the split ends from ruining your hair. I read to trim in 1/4 inch every 5-6 weeks. It's probably more important to do the trimming if you stress your hair with curling irons, blow drying, swimming in chlorine and/or coloring it.

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

My hair is long, to my lower back. For me the longer I go without a trim the longer my hair gets, like it starts growing wild or something. It's not healthy and I have to cut it anyways. But I really don't think it helps.

I love joico shampoo and conditioner

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

well it helps split-ends so it can grow healthier.

Does a trim really make your hair grow faster?

Ya my dad trims my hair alot and it has grown faster and plus my dad is a hair stylest so he knows that it`ll grow faster.

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