Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

i really want to grow my hair out! And i want to grow it out 5 more inches. How long would this take ?

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

On average, hair grows about 1/2 inch per month. It will take the average person approximately 10 months to grow out 5 inches. Although vitamins won't help it grow faster, it can make your hair healthier, and don't forget about proper trims!

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

avarage one week

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

a year or so........sometimes even longer

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

i'm guessing like 6 months.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

6 to 7 months

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

mine takes about 4 months

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

a year.. idk but my hair grew 4 inches in a year

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

5 inches would take me about a year and a half to two years.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

about 5 months to a year depening on your hair

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

could be anywhere from 6-10 months im thinking? my hair grows really quickly, so im not sure.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

on average hair grows half an inch every month

so 10 months to grow 5 inches.

this can be sped up by

a)getting a fever

b)eating more protein [meat, egg whites, etc]

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

The average is 1 -2 1/2 inches per month gosh so ill take you about three months

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

About five months. It grows about an inch every month. Good luck.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

On average, hair grows half an inch every month.

It would take about 10 months.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

10 months ... hair grows 1/2 inch a month, on the average ... but be sure to trim it; for some reason trimming the ends stimulates growth ...

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

Hair grows 1/2 inch to 1 inch a will take you 6-7 months or longer depending on how healthy you keep your hair. A trim every 4-6 weeks will keep it healthy.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

typically about 10 mos

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

if you take good care of your hair and you cut your hairs ends atleast once every 2-3 months and use no heat on your hair or anything that damages it. it will take 2 months to grow 1 inch. and it will even grow faster!

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

Everyone's rate of hair growth varies, but as soon as it's long enough to pull up into a ponytail or a bun on top of your head you will find that it grows faster if you keep it twisted up into a bun or pulled into a ponytail. I don't know why it works, but it does.

My hair grows exceedingly slow - until it's just to shoulder-length; then it always just seemed to stop growing - until, that is, a hairdresser told me to keep it twisted up on top of my head as much as possible. Thereafter, it grew longer faster. Now, it's below my waist, and I still keep it tied up as much as possible.

Be sure to use something like Infusium Leave-In Hair Treatment to prevent split ends and tangling.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

Everyone's hair grows an average of an half an inch a month. If you wait more than 4-5 weeks to trim the split ends off....eventually they break off. When that happens you break off more than the half inch you grew.

However, if you trim the very ends every 4 weeks to prevent the breakage from occuring in the first will keep most of that half inch you grow every month. Combine that with a salon shampoo and conditioner....and you can get 6 or more inches of healthy hair every year.

The biggest trick is finding that special hairdresser than will only trim the very tips. If you explain what you're doing...they should work with you of getting the length to where you want it. The other thing in growing your hair out is to always grow from style to style....not length to length. That way you're never going to be bored with your hair and be tempted to cut it off...;)

Always use professional products, they are formulated to not buildup on the hair as fast and to actually strengthen the hairshaft. There is no magic to getting long hair. You can try all the little concoctions people suggest....but the bottom line is you hair will grow from the root no matter what you do to the already grown hair. Once the hair has left the's consider dead keratin protien. You just need to treat it right so it stays looking nice.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

Hair grows about 1/2 inch a month. It will take about 10 months. And there really isn't anything that can help your hair grow super fast ex: like 2 inches on one month is not going to happen but some people's hair grows like a weed. lol

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

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