Sunday, June 20, 2010

I want to grow my hair long again?

I've only grown my hair once. I finally decided to cut it a month ago. Everyone at work was surprised because they haven't seen me with short hair before and they like this one better. The thing is I grew my hair because I wanted to be different. lol I want to try something new. Plus I've always wondered how I would look with long hair. I liked Chris Jericho's hair. Sexy beast kinda ****. My wasn't that long. Now for the question. I grew it but didn't know how to maintain it. I'm a guy I can careless lol. I had curls at the tip and I wasn't doing it on purpose. It was thick and most of the time dry and conditoiner don't work. It was luscious is what I'm saying. There's nothing wrong with that I just think it could have gotten thinner. Can anyone give me some tips on how to maintain my hair without looking gay. I want that rugged rockstar look. Not the ******* dyed model look. I want a natural I don't care look.

I want to grow my hair long again?

Like this, just grow it till you can tie back your fringe %26amp; the rest just falls into place.

I think Anna is right.

I want to grow my hair long again?

just let it grow

I want to grow my hair long again?

You obviously care way to much to get that look!

I want to grow my hair long again?

Grow it, but go to the hairdressers once a month or every 2 months and just ask them to thinen it out a little, make sure to tell them you want to keep the length everytime. My step brother is a mobile hairdresser and he cuts mine every month, i've kept it at a certain length so far but I might tell him im going long again. My hair is really thick, dark and curly, I hope when it gets so long it will weigh itself down a little.

Edit: I need to change my avatar, it looks nothing like me lol. If you live in the UK, look out for Trevor Sorbie Mens Grooming (mg) 2 in one shampoo. Its in a dark silverish coloured bottle.

I want to grow my hair long again?

use a good shampoo and condioner now that your hair is long. I would suggest running a leave in creme in the morning to prevent your hair from frizzing during the day. Try Sunsilk leave in creme its in a pink bottle. Cremes are good b/c they don't make your hair wet and gressy and don't weigh down the hair. Best of luck

I want to grow my hair long again?

this product is called wild growth hair oil,and it's all natural and it's been out for over 20 years and it really dose work... like really umm i stated using this oil in i think the 5th or 6th grade I'm in the 10 th now i know lol but umm the oil is perfect i love it to tell you the truth i think it's wonderful it's for all hair type from white,black,Asian,umm Scottish whatever the oil is really good and it works there is a site in on it i have no pic's yet but i might give some in June of 08 so my hair should be on or past my shoulders then but the all can be use for both men and woman of all ages and here the link the site it can be bought on line at the wild growth site or at some local beauty store i get mine from sally's beauty for like 7.99 and the prices may deffer on were you buy it but here's the link and i hope you guy get a look into it and try it out

I want to grow my hair long again?

Massaging makes a lot of difference to the rate at which hair grows so a regular massage is recommended to speed up the process. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

I want to grow my hair long again?

hair is protein, a diet that is too low in protein may cause some thinning in hair or a retardation in the growth cycle.If you eat a protein-rich diet it will often result in improved hair growth.To Know more about your hair will help you.

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