Friday, June 18, 2010

If I take any type of testosterone like pills, will I be able to grow facial hair or make my voice s

I'm 19 years old and I would like to grow facil hair and make my voice sound deeper, a friend told me that using testosterone can do that. Can someone help me?

If I take any type of testosterone like pills, will I be able to grow facial hair or make my voice sound deep?

I think the risk outweighs the reward. You can have alot of complications, such as breast growth, reduction is genitalia areas. If you really want to, go on ahead, but it may cause imbalances in your system.

If I take any type of testosterone like pills, will I be able to grow facial hair or make my voice sound deep?

Facial hair is hereditary. Does your father have little or no facial hair?

If he has facial hair but you don't then there may be a problem with your hormone levels. I suggest going to the dr and having blood work done. Yes, the dr may prescribe testosorone but he/she will prescribe a specific dosage. Medicating yourself can be very harmful. There also may be other options. Speak to your dr.

NEW NOTE: The person below me doesn't know anything about hormones. Yes, testosorone DOES effect your voice timber and facial hair. Ever heard of "Castrato"??? A castrato was a young boy who was castrated as to keep his singing voice softer like a child's. Hormones effect your voice, that's why it deepens when males hit puberty.

If I take any type of testosterone like pills, will I be able to grow facial hair or make my voice sound deep?

to increase Testosterone take Damiana, Sasaprilla,

in increase hair growth: Rosemary herb, essential oils of Rosemary and lavender in desired carrier oil.

voice deeper; Licorice herb.

If I take any type of testosterone like pills, will I be able to grow facial hair or make my voice sound deep?

the amount of hair ones body producess is in relation to the amount of hair folocials one has under their skin, and these cannot be multiplied by taking testrone, you have what you have and your body doesn't produce more because you take testosterone, nor will this deepen your voice, testosterone does not determine the timber of ones voice, the structure of one voice box and vocal cords does

If I take any type of testosterone like pills, will I be able to grow facial hair or make my voice sound deep?

It might do that, but ask your dr first.

Testosterone is a controlled sustance and you may end up in jail and/or very ill purchasing contaminated products in the black market.

Testosterone is very very weak in pill form, it has to be injected, rising chances to get ill from fake products.

Proviron (mesterolone) may give the androgenic effects you want in pill form, but it's also a prescription drug.

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