Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against

The school wont let me grow my hair past my collar. The teachers let some people grow it and some don't. They told me to cut my hair when it wasn't even touching my collar and there are other people with hair to their shoulders and they get away with it. Is it against my rights?

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

Not if the other people are girls. Private schools can have dress and appearance codes. So can public schools, for that matter.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

You have no civil rights as against a private school, aside from a certain set of protected categories (race, sex, religion). Your Constitutional rights only protect you from governmental or quasi-governmental actors.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?


I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

Well, being a private school, there is probobly nothing you can do about it.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

Not against your rights, but you could complain that the 'rules' are not being consistently enforced. That way you will either be able to grow your hair longer or the other people will have to cut their hair - but that way certainly won't make you any friends.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

It is a private school and they often have crazy rules but if they allow other members to then yes I would def say it is not fair. Have you gone to the principal about this issue?

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

If you are a male, and the code of conduct or dress code for the school includes hair length for males, then they are within their rights asking you to cut it.

Your rights on this issue are governed by the schools rules. If, however, you are being unfairly singled out (other boys have long hair, rules are only enforced on you or a small group of students), then you may have a case.

Remember, you have to prove that the rules aren't being enforced equally among the students. Otherwise, sorry, you're out of luck!

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

No. Sorry to say, becuase it's their school and they make the rules. They can do whatever they want because they aren't run by the gov't. (Was the person who had hair to their sholders a girl? If it was private schools allow that.)

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

Well considering its a private school the probably want to maintain a clean image of there students...mabey they made you cut it because you kept it messy? at my school (i go to a private school aswell) they make guys with hair past there eyes cut there hair because they believe it "interfears with learning" i dont really agree with it but hey...

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

You do not have any right to grow your hair long - too bad.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

At my public school they ask people to cut their hair but never tell them to.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

It is your privildge to conform to the rules of your private school, in order to remain enrolled

otherwise, you may depart to greener pastures

once you are 21 and truly and adult (18 in some parts)

you can wear you hair down to your armpits

never shave

never bathe

never brush your teeth

it will be your "right"

We will also have the right not to associate with you


on a sadder note - look how society has lost

with so many demanding their "rights"


sorry you got a grouchy grandpa to answer your question

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

If you are going to demand rights every where you go, your hair isn't going to be your problem. You won't fit in to any group. As soon as you have more than one person in a group there needs to be give and take to make it work. The more people you have, the more give and take needed. The more you demand the less you fit in. One needs to find the groups that best fit one's needs. So, if you don't fit the school go to one that lets everyone have their hair anyway they want. It would make a good picture.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

I'm guessing the people with longer hair have really good grades or are star athletes.

A private school can set whatever standards it wants.

Get a haircut!

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