Friday, June 18, 2010

My hair won't grow!!?

I have been growing out my hair from the nape of my neck down to 3 inches past my shoulder for 6 months, and it seemed to have stopped growing? Is there just a certain point where induvidual's hair stops growing or is my hair just not healthy? Any recomendations to make it grow? Thank you!

My hair won't grow!!?

Don't listen to anyone else... this is the answer. ( People don't know what they are talking about, and base their answers on here-say and myths. HAIR ON YOUR HEAD NEVER JUST STOPS GROWING AT A CERTAIN POINT- that is only body hair!

The only thing you can do to make your hair actually GROW faster is to take vitamins... preferablly prenatal. These vitamins will increase production of the hair cells. There is no other way to get your hair follicle to grow more hair except with taking vitamins.

Thats the only-only-only way you can INCREASE the rate of growth.

However, remember to always get your hair trimmed ( This is why people say there hair doesnt "Grow".. If you have split ends, and dont trim, your hair itself will be growing, but the spilt ends break off and your hair remains to look the same length. Thats why people think their hair stopped growwing, but in fact, it is just the dead ends breaking off.

Also, try not to wash your hair/striaghten/curl EVERYDAY, because that will lead to increased split ends. Reduce the amount of heat styling you do. Whenever possible, let your hair dry naturally. Technically, if you put your hair up everyday and never washed it, never blew dry it , it would probably grow one inch flat every month. Its the things we do that cause split ends, which cause breakup and hair "stand-stills of growth"

Most of the products on the market that claim to speed up hair growth, really are just preventing split ends. there is a widely known hair oil, mainly found in India, that people swear by, Basically it is just a really strong oil that used frequently, really hydrated the hair to the point where you rarely get split ends. (Thus perhaps being able to extend the times of needed to trim). But there is no PRODCUT besides viatims that can actually accelerate the RATE of growth.

My hair won't grow!!?

Drink distilled Aloe Vera from the health food store. You can take Co-Q 10 as well. One promotes healthy hair while the other helps repair cells.

My hair won't grow!!?

You should buy mane and tail shampoo it seriously works. I used to use it and my hair was down the middle of my back. It's originally for horses however it is sold in the people shampoo aisle. It will work seriously!!

My hair won't grow!!?

well do what most black girls like me do when our hair just wont grow .....put in some human weave

My hair won't grow!!?

well here is what you should do ..... i do this also and it helps. Every 2 weeks clip a little bit of hair of the ends, so then it will gorw longer everytime... BUt only cut a little tiny bit kk? lol ^^

My hair won't grow!!?

your hair isn't healthy try using the same brand and scent shampoo and conditionar ... personally i use Suave coconut shampoo and conditionar

My hair won't grow!!?

It's true that hair stops growing at a certain point, and everyone's is different. Hair goes through different stages, and some people's growth stage is shorter than others. If your hair seems healthy, and you're not getting it cut too often, this is probably as long as your hair will get. If you have split ends and aren't getting them trimmed, your hair is growing, but breaking off at the ends. Getting your ends trimmed won't help your hair grow longer or faster. But, if your split ends aren't cut off, they will just keep splitting up your hair shaft, and will eventually break off, therefore making it seem like your hair isn't growing.

My hair won't grow!!?

Wash your hair every two-weeks. Your hair grows better when it is cleaned and conditioned often. Keep your ends trimmed and wrap your hair in a satin hair wrap at night to prevent breakage. Use a good daily hair dress or conditoner to keep your hair and scalp moisturized.

My hair won't grow!!?

Hair growth has nothing to do with you hair being healthy.

Hair growth has to do with your body being healthy.

I'm sure your hair hasn't stopped growing. Hair grows an average of 1/2" a month, of course this varies from person to person.

Start eating healthier food, drink plenty of water and take your vitamins and you'll start to see more growth.

For my clients who wish to grow their hair out, I usually have them buy a product from GNC called Hair, Skin and Nails. It is a natural supplement that has a keratin compound (which is what your hair and nails are composed of). Some have had a great deal of success with it.

And finally get regular haircuts, every 6 - 8 weeks to keep the ends healthy.

My hair won't grow!!?

Vitamins are essential for proper hair growth. For healthy sebum in the scalp we require vitamin A. Graying and loss of hair is arrested with the intake of Vitamin B6 and B12. Keratin is produced by Biotin and hair follicles are kept healthy by inositol. Panthothenic acid and Para-amino benzoic acids are also beneficial. These vitamins are present in fruits such as lemon, pineapple and strawberry and in vegetables such as potato.

Nowadays there are products containing the required vitamins and nutrients that can be applied externally like oils and shampoos; or there are tablets that can be taken internally to enhance hair growth.

My hair won't grow!!?

When it comes to having beautiful, full hair my best answer would be henna. Make sure you don't use lemon or lime juice in your recipe when you make the henna as they can cause your hair to break if it's already weak. Rain water is usually acidic enough to get a nice colour out of the henna as well and won't harm your hair further. Try using the henna as often as you can it should thicken your hair and keep it healthy. If you don't want the red of the henna you may want to look for "neutral" or "colourless" henna. It will do as nice a job for your hair but without the colour. With the neutral henna you just have to mix it with tap water, this should be used as often as possible. If there are any skin problems on your scalp the henna or neutral henna will both help fight it. The last idea I have would be to take coconut oil and massage your head with it every night. once a week b4 u shampoo do a hotoil massage using cocunut oil and leave it on ur hair for 1 hr or even overnute next morning shampoo hair Make sure when you're washing out the oil you're using a gentle shampoo, likea henn a shampoo even better shikakai powder. I wish you luck.

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