Friday, June 18, 2010

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

For those of you who prefer to call them native americans... why not native canadians, or native mexicans? Native north-americans? Spare me the politically correctness and just help me answer this.

Different ethnic groups grow little to copious amounts of hair, according to Wikipedia. Native Americans are the only ones listed as growing hardly any. Why is that?

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?


Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

firewater !

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

interesting, I have no idea, sorry.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

But they do! I've seen many a tintype photograph of Indians with moustaches and facial hair.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

Just the way their genetics turned out.

Some tribes had some hair, which they plucked out.

We call them Native Americans when we are referring to tribes that lived in what is now the United States.

In Canada they are referred to as "first nations" and/or "aboriginal people;" in Mexico as "indigenous people."

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

Genes brought in from Europe challenged from Egypt to Incas to Aztec.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

To be completely honest...I don't know.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

None of your business.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

That is something that they share with the Eskimos (Inuit, for those that prefer the politically correct term... blast those "politically correct" idiots!), and it has to do with genetics and may be linked to diets since today, Native Americans and Inuits are now shedding a shedding a little more facial hairs and that may well be because of the diets they are consuming, with milk and beef and other food not available to them throughout history before.

Yesteryears, Chinese were considered to be very short but now with new diets (eating meat and drinking milk, etc) they have grown about 12 inches more than their grandparents.

So, it may very well be a genetic trait but it may also be attributed to diets of the past.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

It's genetic and might have to do with a much underrated force of evolution: the sexual preference of the female of the species.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

Maybe they're more evolved than the rest of us. I believe Africans are also practically hairless on their bodies.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

American Indians do grow facial hair. My dad is full blood and he had to shave every day and always had a five o'clock shadow by the time he came home from work. But....its diet. Some tribes didn't have a lot of facial hair some just depends on diet.

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

Maybe they consumed NAIR as children. :)

Why is it that Indians don't grow facial hair?

Um, yeah, they do grow facial hair.

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