Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How can you make your hair grow faster and thicker??????

My hair is thin and short. IT NEVER GROWS!!!! its like strings attached to my head. I WOULD LOVE to have my hair LONG and THICK for school in September. Are there any products or home remedies to help with this problem. PLEASE!!!! Help me I want to have gorgeous, heathly, long, full hair before school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

How can you make your hair grow faster and thicker??????

Nexxus makes a daily vitamin that works pretty well.

How can you make your hair grow faster and thicker??????

Honestly, I don't think there are any tricks to make hair grow faster. Just as long as you take good care of it, don't dye it too often, don't brush when wet, better to use a comb. don't blow dry too often. etc. I have very thick hair but its easily damaged. If you got the money, and you don't mind em try wigs. I love wearing wigs cause they are much easier to care for and you can change your look instantly.

How can you make your hair grow faster and thicker??????

Shampoo and condition every day and eat protein, if your old use rogain

How can you make your hair grow faster and thicker??????

put it in little ponytails it will pull on your hair and make it grow faster also use mayonnaise on your hair to make it silky and shiny.

How can you make your hair grow faster and thicker??????

You have to take hair pills to make it grow...just go to a drug store and try to ask them hair is a problem to me, i need to buy special pills, shampoo and conditioner but once a while i change of add, because it gets used to it and stops working....

How can you make your hair grow faster and thicker??????

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How can you make your hair grow faster and thicker??????

for both problems, thickness and growth, check out

How do i get my hair to grow really fast?

I went through a phase of cutting and excessively dying my hair, and now i see the mistake i made.

My hair hasnt grown at all since summer 07, and its in awful condition, plus i have about 6 layers in my hair, and the shortest bit is about 1/2 an inch long

its absolutely horrible, and i was wondering if there is any pills that i can take to help, or any things i can treat my hair with to make it grow. Please help, im desperate!!

How do i get my hair to grow really fast?

Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How do i get my hair to grow really fast?

Silica helps you hair grow, but you must also eat right. Hair grows the most during the summer, and slows during the winter. Your hair is also dead, My friend fried her hair to the point she had to shave it all off! You will not see results for next couple of months. I also reommand getting a good deep conditioner. Hair that is colored lacks mositure, give it back the moisture. If nothing works, cut it off and start a new.

I want my hair to grow! Someone help?

Ok. Ill give you all the details I can. Ask if I am missing any thing you need to know!

-Im african american

-I wear my hair in ponytails... a lot

-My hair used to be past my shoulders until we moved to Arizona when my mom didnt take me to get my hair trimmed/conditioned/all that other stuff every 2 weeks like we did in California

-My mom wont let me get a perm, she thinks I wont take care of it and that it will mess up my hair.

-Im 14

I got to the hair salon every two weeks now. Is there anything natural that I can eat or drink to get my hair to grow healthy? My mom most likely wont buy me pills or perm like things to get my hair to grow. If you have links to any sites or any personal advice that would help me a lot! Thanks. ^^

I want my hair to grow! Someone help?

my hair is natural right now too and my mom wont let me perm my hair but now she is thinking about it and is giving in.but i keep my hair healthy by using deep condintor and doing hot oil treatments about every 2 weeks.i usually have my hair in a ponytail too but now i like to use a headband and kinda pull it into an afro style or sometimes i blow dry and straighten my hair to have it straight down.But it can still reunite it but i hot oil afterwards and deep coniditon for like 30 minutes.or i braid my hair down and u can do cornrows or unique braids.Also when u go to sleep braids your hair straight down usaually 6 braids down and keep it moistured with hair lotion because that works better not grease.Hope i helped

I want my hair to grow! Someone help?

I was going to suggest hair vitamins but just keep it clean and use the right shampoo and conditioners for your type hair. and wearing ponytails a lot does break the hair off. try wearing it differently for awhile . eat vegetables and fruits they help your hair stay shiny and healthy. and grow..

I want my hair to grow! Someone help?

Contrary to popular belief, African textured hair is very delicate. It is prone to breakage and the ponytails don't help. Since you live in an extremely dry climate it is even more important for you to keep your hair conditioned and moisturized. Besides eating well you need to keep hydrated. Also try a deep conditioner once a week and a leave in conditioner the rest of the week. You can also use light oils not heavy ones like grease. They clog your pores and attract dirt causing you to have to wash your hair more often. Genetics also play a part in how fast/long your hair will grow. Dont expect it to grow extra fast because it probably wont. Good luck.

I want my hair to grow! Someone help?

the same probelm happened. i m black, what i did is stop wear ponytails, cuz if u dont it well still get shorter. then, i got my perm at 3 weeks, cuz if dont got a perm trust me you wish u did. then, i went to a store called sally's (u should have one there) there is a conditoning thing called olive oil for hair . that helped my hair so much but, i cut short. maybe if u try that it might helped.

:) yea if u use hot curl make sure u use that heat thing that protects ur hair or it will break more than it does!!

I want my hair to grow! Someone help?

You can't do anything to make your hair grow.

I want my hair to grow! Someone help?

Anti-Snap! That is the name of the treatment I use in my hair, which is thick and curly and breaks a lot. But any protein treatment will help, especially applying it where your pony-tail holder goes. It's like a leave-in conditioner, you just put it in after you shower and it repairs your hair and makes it shiny.

I want my hair to grow! Someone help?

If you want hair to grow faster, you have to take supplements that work on your body chemistry to support hair's growth and strength at its genesis.....once it has grown out, it is just dead keratin

Try GNC, they make a supplement called "Nourishair" in formulas for men and women..they are HUGE pills and you have to take 2 daily. There is also a "Hair skin and nails" formula from Andrew Lessman that you can google, that has great ingredients and is easier to swallow, made by ProCaps labs. You can also take large doses of Biotin, sometimes called Vitamin H, take no less than 2500 micrograms daily to support healthy hair growth. IT may take 6 to 8 weeks to see results.

How long does it usually take to completely grow out hair?

i have medium hair just past shoulder length i had a horrible dye job and just want to grow it out naturally. how long does this usually take? anything to speed it up? is there something i can do in the meantime to not make my hair look two toned i have darker roots???? help!!!!!

How long does it usually take to completely grow out hair?

i heard 4 to 6 inches a year. you may try and get a color to highlight as the roots grow out to blend in.

How long does it usually take to completely grow out hair?

it takes time, hair growness take time with grls

How long does it usually take to completely grow out hair?

it takes about a month to grow 1/2 inch. sorry. Try Biolage Volumatherapie Shampoo, Conditioner, and Spray Gel. I read somewhere that it helps speed the process. If i were you, i would just dye it back to my original color so i won't have to worry about the roots.

How long does it usually take to completely grow out hair?

You could buy the foam hair dye(close to your natural color) and just try to keep the dye off the roots.

How long does it usually take to completely grow out hair?

Well, I use Lush New Shampoo and it stimulates hair grwoth, it really works for me, information %26amp; review are at:

Now that my hair is starting to grow I have to cut it!?

My hair WAS SO damaged like about 2 years ago so I cut it to my shoulders. Although NOT all off the damage was cut off it was a big difference! Since then I had to cut it a couple more times and its finally about 4 inches down from my shoulders! But the problem I have about 1 inch of split ends! So I have to get a trim on saturday because I don't want it to get any further. I use to damage my hair constantly but now I don't at all but all that damage that I did to my hair before bit me in the a s s because my hair is not growing !

Now that its starting to grow I have to cut it! UGH this pisses me off.

What should I do? How long will it take for my hair to grow to my lower back, what do you think?

I don't straighten or dye my hair and I try not to use alcohol on my hair!

Now that my hair is starting to grow I have to cut it!?

Well, once you get rid of all your split ends you will be able to tell the difference in speed of growth. Really! , but really it varies person to person. It will probably take around 4 months to have it grow to the length you want it IF you take care of it with regular trims and such. Glad i could help!

Now that my hair is starting to grow I have to cut it!?

The ultimate truth is that for hair to grow longer, we have to eat healthy, exercise adequately, reduce stress and most important sleep well. Include B-complex, B6, and vitamin C, E to make up for any deficiencies.To Know more about your hair will help you.

I know this is a gross question, but why does armpit hair grow so fast?

If the hair on my head grew as fast as my armpit hair, I'd be happy.

I have to shave every day...ugh.

I know this is a gross question, but why does armpit hair grow so fast?

That's a myth; it grows from the inside; shaving on the outside cannot make it grow faster. It's just one of those things!

I know this is a gross question, but why does armpit hair grow so fast?

Its your own fault you should have never started shaving your arm pit hair . The more you shave it the faster it will grow

I know this is a gross question, but why does armpit hair grow so fast?

Because the armpit is always exposed to moisture and heat, the two elements that make the hair on this particular part of the body almost like constant fertilization. It's not so much the hair itself, but the roots that make the hair grow. When we women shave, we are getting rid of the stuff that is on the surface of the skin, and not shaving away the roots responsible for hair growth.

I know this is a gross question, but why does armpit hair grow so fast?

First, railway is not exactly correct. The myth about hair and shaving is that the more you shave, the rougher and thicker the hair gets. But it doesn't grow any quicker.

Second, my personal theory is that hair grows wear humans sweat. Legs, forearms, lots of hair in the armpits, some people sweat on their lips, some guys get butt-swear, and think, wear do you sweat most? Your head! So that's where most hair grows!

There are a few exceptions to my theory, such as palms, the back of the kneecaps.

Why does my hair grow uneven?

Every since I was young my hair in the back of my head has never grown as fast or as long as the front and sides. I have tried to sleep on a satin pillow case and I do NOT sleep on my back. What going on here?

Why does my hair grow uneven?

Do you get regular hair trims? Do you have split ends?

If hair is damaged it doesn't grow as fast.

Why does my hair grow uneven?

Some hairs grow faster then other hairs, some hair's fall out, not everyone's hair is perefectly even, some have bigger parts of hair then others.

Why does my hair grow uneven?

sometimes its in the genes. thats how it is. any 1 in the family has the same problem?

Why does my hair grow uneven?

i here you girl my hair does the same thing but my mom says cause i straiting out my hair to much

Why does my hair grow uneven?

go and see some hair specialist

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

Im a guy who is growing my hair atleast to the middle of my back. What are some hairstyles i can do to my hair while its growing out? My hair is about 1/2 inch above my collar now.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

I am a guy that also wants to grow his hair that long. I had long hair previosly that was well taken care of. I had about a twelve inch ponytail. I would suggest a ponytail. It is quick, easy, and keeps your hair out of the way.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

Well I cut it every now and then. I had another 4-6 inches beyond that. I would say about three years. My hair grew about 16 inches in three years. My hair grows fast. I would suggest trimming the split ends off though. Report It

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

get it cut...dudes with long hair is very unattractive.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

there isnt one

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

cut it! i think its nasty when a guy has long hair sorry but i do youd have to put a braid or something

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

cut it cut it cut it its not the 90's anymore. ahhhh men with looong hair nooooooooooo!

hahah seriously its your hair and your life. Just plese dont tie it back with an elestic band that is really lame then. Id go into a barbers and ask their opinon.. with out a pic i cant advise a haircut.. good luck

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

get a pair of scissors...QUICK

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

just make sure you wash it everyday with shampoo and condition the ends ONLY. a guy with long hair is a bit of a turn off, but a guy with long GREASY hair is a definite BLECH!!

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

about the only one is ponytail.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

um, a loose, low pony?? ...what other choice do you have?

...what are you looking for, some kind of fancy up-do styles??

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

Depends on how long yur hair is? And what color, I thin kguys with blonde long hair r pretty hot. And sometimes it depends on the shape of a guys face which makes him look good with long or short hair. But most likely putting it in pony tails or breading it is a good look.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

AMEN! Thank you God a man that wants long hair!! Nothing sexier in my book than a guy with long hair.

The style depends on you hair. Is it straight? Curly? Wavy? Take a look at some celebrities with long hair: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, John Davis (Korn), Metallica, figure out which one has hair most like yours and if you like their particular style and if you want it longer or shorter than theirs. You have to figure out which style matches your hair in order for it to look best.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

umm yeah there isn't really away to wear it but u seriously shouldn't do that it will be ugly get it CUT asap...

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

Definately BRAIDS!!!! Even a white guy can do it!

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?


I am one of many many women that like nice neat short hair cuts on men.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

umm. yeah even medium lenght hair is hard to work. I mean you have like Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Ashton Cutcher. That's So unless your one of them. I'd would just cut it off. No offence.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

I love long hair on guys, especially when it is healthy and even. I like when its pulled back in a tight ponytail. i also like that surfer boy look. i hate 2 say this butttttttttt Sanjaya from idol had some great hair and that Ace young from idol did 2. but for as long as it is right now you should look at josh hartnett or brad pitt hairstyles. those are the only 2 movie stars i could think of with kewl hairstyles. or just punch in movie star hairstyles etc.. will take u 2 alot of pics that u can check out.

What is a good hair style for a guy who is letting his hair grow below his shoulders?

Put some cornrows on top to keep it neat

You can let the hair past the crown hang loose, if you'd like.

Dorags and bandanas are good for growing hair out.

And please don't listen to the h8ers that dont' like long hair on boys - to each his own

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

My hair hasn't grown since i was 16 or 17. It's the same length as it was in high school. And i'm 24 now. What's going on? I do color my hair, and blow dry and use a curling iron occasionally. But most of the time i just put gel in it. Am i doing something wrong? Please help me :(

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

If you want hair to grow faster, you have to take supplements that work on your body chemistry to support hair's growth and strength at its genesis.....once it has grown out, it is just dead keratin

Try GNC, they make a supplement called "Ultra Nourishair" in formulas for men and women..they are HUGE pills and you have to take 2 daily. There is also a "Hair skin and nails" formula from Andrew Lessman that you can google, that has great ingredients and is easier to swallow, made by ProCaps labs. You can also take large doses of Biotin, sometimes called Vitamin H, take no less than 2500 micrograms daily to support healthy hair growth. It may take 6 to 8 weeks to see results.

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

Gel breaks your hair off, I use pills called hairobics, I found them in the Beauty supply store. My hair is very long and healthy. I also use mane n tail shampoo,from Walgreen's.

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

Do you get regular trims? Your hair could be breaking on the ends.

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

Here is a link that could give you some helpful hair care tips:

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

Prenatal vitamins. Even if you are not pregnant the vitamins contains essential vitamins for a woman's body. I had the same problem after a perm gone bad. It worked for me.

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

Let your hair dry naturally, no blow drying, stop coloring it, and throw the curling iron out. And definitely stop using gel. If you use anything, either use mousse or just hairspray. And go for regular trims every 6 weeks for about a year, then leave it to grow.

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

gel really damages hair and blow drying too. try and let Ur hair dry naturally. u also need to trim ur hair every 6 to 8 weeks. and do not colour it anymore it makes your hair dry and damages your roots

Does anyone know how i can grow my hair?

umm^^ no. she's black and not white. she shouldn't let her hair dry naturally. for a good substitute, with great benefits is to roll your hair after washing, and get under th hood dryer. yes it's time consuming, BUT it will give you great results. Gel is definitely a no-no. NEVER use it. It not only promotes hair breakage, but it also clogs up your pores on your scalp, and not letting air in and regulating blood flow. Our scalp needs oxygen and it needs to remain healthy to grow. and also you need a good shampoo and conditioner that will give you better results. Like KeraCare.

ps. you can dye your hair, but sparringly. when you do, make sure you well condition your hair. give yourself a deep condition every two weeks or every week.

How long does it take for p*bic hair to fully grow back after complete shave?

I want to try a bikini wax for the 1st time. I read that you're supposed to grow it out fully to have effective wax. So I did a complete shave but how do I know when it's fully grown back? How long does that take? About what is the length of a full grown hair?

How long does it take for p*bic hair to fully grow back after complete shave?

Fully grow out? A couple of months....they dont need that for a wax - what they need is about half an inch.

How long does it take for p*bic hair to fully grow back after complete shave?

I dont think it has to be fully grown out, I think about 1/2 inch should do. Call the place and ask for a real number.

From the experience of someone trying to keep up with the shaving - unfortunately it only takes about a week and a half to grow quite a bit. Ugh...

I am also interested in getting waxed - add me to your contacts if you want and let me know how it goes since I am thinking about it.

How long does it take for p*bic hair to fully grow back after complete shave?

it takes about 3 weeks to fully grow back into a bush after a shave

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

For about 8 months now I've had peach fuzz on my face, I've shaved it 8 or 9 times, but not really needing to ( its noticable close up but not far away ) I've noticed more hair coming in, but very very slowly.. I figured after 8 months it'd be alot thicker and longer. I dono, just wondering if this means I have facial hair coming in, and its just growing very slowly.. or if I'm going to end up not getting facial hair, and just really thin "peach fuz" all the time.. help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

youir age youd help

you will eventually get facial hair. . .it could take til your 18 or it could take another 2 months its unpredicable but you will eventaully

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

Generaly at this time in ur life you get it, as long as you dont do anything weird to ur face and you shave often you will get a good growth Report It

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

If you keep shaving if off then there is no way for it to grow. So maybe stop shaving it and it will grow more.

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

What does your father have ? or your maternal grandfather?

It will be one of the two...

Am I starting to grow facial hair?

its part of life


Does hair grow back after hyperthyroidism?

Hi Im 17 and I went to the doctor today and he ran some blood tests and told me that I had hyperthyroidism. I lost alot of hair due to the condition and I was wondering if my hair will grow back after it is treated? I forgot to ask my doctor. Thanks so much!

Does hair grow back after hyperthyroidism?

Your hair will grow back once you have started treatment for it and have started to take medicine for it.

I have hyperthyroidism too.

Will my hair not grow because of not being trimmed?

I havn't trimmed my hair in a long time and i want to know if becuase of that it wont grow. please help!!!!!!!!!!!1

Will my hair not grow because of not being trimmed?

It will still grow, however, geting your hair trimmed once in a while can help to grow your hair because it cuts off split ends. When the split ends are eliminated your hair can grow longer because of less breakage.

Will my hair not grow because of not being trimmed?

It will of course grow but with trimmed hair it grows a lot faster and it is healthier i mean who wants hair with split ends.

Will my hair not grow because of not being trimmed?

Your hair growing or not has nothing to do with getting it trimmed(but you should get a trim every 6-8 weeks,to keep it in shape)! It really depends on if you take good care of your hair! If you use a flat iron or color you could have breakage or if your hair is really dry? also any medications you take or stress can also have an affect on your hair, so try and condition it and take good care of it!

Will my hair not grow because of not being trimmed?

getting your hair trimmed doesn't actually make your hair grow faster, it just gets rid of some of the dead hair to prevent split ends and breakage, which makes your hair healthy.

Will my hair not grow because of not being trimmed?

Well I don't think that's the problem. Your hair is growing, but maybe it's growing slowly and you are not noticing any changes. If you trim your hair, it does grow faster. That's what I do, get it trimmed a lot because I want to grow out my hair really bad. Also when I was younger, my mother would always trim my hair to make it longer and stronger because when I was born all of my hair fell out and when it started to grow my mom kept on trimming it. Well sorry to get off topic, but yeah, just trim your hair. Everyone's hair is different and some take longer than others to grow.

Will my hair not grow because of not being trimmed?

I'm a licensed professional. Your ends will keep splitting as it grows. If your trying to grow your hair out, its best to get a trim every 6 weeks and use a product in your hair to protect from damage. Keep in mind when you do get your hair cut again, you could lose all your dead ends and lose some length too. After that go for regular trims and ask for the ends to be nipped and stay away from scissor happy stylists.

Will my hair not grow because of not being trimmed?

Your hair will continue to grow but it's just growing a lot slower because all the stuff at the bottom is dead and is waying down your hair.

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

plzz help me i need some suggestions on how to make my hair grow as fast as it possible can! plz help. its down alittle past my sholder and i want it to grow alot longer plz help!

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

Let me explain.

The longer your hair is, the 閳ユΖlder閳?the ends of it are

The first step is prevention,Use a mild shampoo that is recommended for your hair type,and a conditioner after every shampoo.conditioner will soften the hair and reduce the amount of wear causing friction between hair strands.Reduce the amount of heat styling you do. Whenever possible, let your hair dry naturally.

Finally, trim your hair every ten to twelve weeks to have one quarter to one half inch This will get rid of any budding split ends while, at the same time, allowing for growth.

remember that the hair papilla, where the hair begins, is nourished by blood vessels, so concentrate on a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you are getting the essential nutrients required by your body and promote good circulation with regular exercise and scalp massage.

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

dont cut it for ages

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

you cant, hair grows at its own speed, some peoples grow faster than others, maybe just eat right to keep the hair norished and healthy and be patient

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

ooh! my friends using these really good tablets theyre like 'sea kelp' ..i think thats what theyre called.

yeah anyway they have seaweed in and urm they help your hair grow really fast..shes been using them for about a month and her hairs got really long already, you can buy them from hmm..holland and barrat? if you have one near you..

or idk some health stores or something..

hope this helps :)

you could always buy extensions aswell

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

Drink plenty of water and eat healthy!.Ever wonder why people who pig out on junk food have bad hair and oily skin? the reason is your skin and hair both need vitamins to grow and be healthy.If this isn't enough try taking vitamin pills.

Get split ends cut every 8 weeks to keep the ends even and healthy.

When combing hair don't rip through! it will make a terrible mess of your hair, take a wide toothed pick and gently work your way from the bottom to the top. If you wish to use a brush find one with soft bristles not short or metal ones.

When you wash your hair,use a shampoo for your hair type.Fully let the soap come out of hair before you get out of the tub if not your hair will be greasy and oily.

Be patient, it can take up to a year to fully grow your hair but it will be well worth it!

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

additionally to the answer above, flip you hair over and brush it (after all the knots/snarls have been removed)....and, brush it a lot. Lightly stimulating the scalp seems to help improve my hair growth.

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

Well, I know that oil makes your hair grow. If you wash your hair only once a week it will start growing pretty fast but thats just nasty. There are oinments and hair products that you can buy at beauty salons that supply Aveda. But I'm sure that other beauty supply stores will have something to help you out.

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

Try conditioning with coconut oil, twice/week. And try cutting the ends every 60-days or so. I had the same problem for a while, but with consistent conditioning and hair-cuts, I cannot stop it from growing now! Good luck.

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

Rub olive oil into the scalp and massage to promote hair growth or else massage the scalp with egg yolk, leave for 1 hour and wash. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more remedies and details.

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

As a hairdresser I can tell you that on an average hair grows half an inch a month. I would suggest getting trims on your hair every month or every other month. Tell your hairdresser you only want a smidge off the ends not even half an inch just enough to blunt the hairends. Not getting trims will not make your hair grow faster. What happens is your hair starts to get dead ends on the bottom and rides up the hair shaft breaking that one piece of hair into 2 pieces then it breaks off that's why trims are important. You could also try hair vitamins from GNC or a vitamin store to help the speed of growth or a vitamin store.

Ok i want my hair to grow but how?

hair is protein, a diet that is too low in protein may cause some thinning in hair or a retardation in the growth cycle.If you eat a protein-rich diet it will often result in improved hair growth.To Know more about your hair will help you

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

I'm very much in need of something for quicker hair growth.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

None that I know of , But I Don't know it all. Try a hair vitamin

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

there is a product that does that

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

eat your vitamins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Coming down to earth and living in reality might be a good start. Try talking to your hair dresser or pharmacist, or even a dermatologist. Make believe isn't going to make your hair grow any faster.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Spell for Beautiful Hair

When to do this ritual: hag's hare moon, before Venus hour

Tools needed:

a brush

a pink candle

goddess oil

Venus incense

a mortar and pestle

a dash o lemon juice

three tablespoons of flaxseed oil

one brown egg

three tablespoons of maidenhair

a pinch of ground ginseng

plastic wrap



three gallons of rain water

Instructions: Bend over at the waist and brush your hair upside down for one hundred strokes ,making sure the scalp is stimulated and all residues of styling aids are gone.

Anoint the candle with the oil. Light the candle and the incense. Place the lemon juice, flaxseed oil, egg, maidenhair and ginseng in the mortar, and grind with the pestle until the potion is gooey.

When Venus hour approaches, recite the incantation over the potion. Incantation:

Potion of witches with beautiful hair,

Adorn my head beyond compare.

Rich and thick the potion goes,

Absorb the sunshine and the glow.

Maidens weave the gorgeous threads,

That creates the hair upon my head.

Combine the the egg, magick, and grain,

And rise me beautiful with iris rain.

So mote it be

Work the potion into your hair until it is saturated. Place the plastic wrap over your hair and let it sit. Go outside and soak up the sun. Feel the potion tingling and revitalizing your hair. After a hour in the sun, shampoo and condition your hair, but before your final rinse of the conditioner thoroughly rinse your head in the rain water. Allow your hair to air dry naturally. You will see a improvement in your hair instantly.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Then go to a hairdresser and buy something special like one of the nexxus products or something. A spell won't grow your hair, any more than it will do anything else for you. What a crock of sh..soup.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

yes i'm sure spells will work. If you do spells on your hair for a few months or even a year, i'm sure you will see some hair growth in that time.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

yes get pregnant.

or buy hair extensions.

proven to grow hair. lol.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

One eye of newt. Two ounces of a cancerous cervix. Green ketchup. Say "Taco Justin loves da balls" 14 times.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

There are natural shampoos that are not as chemically enhanced and have natural herbs that help hair. As was said earlier, a good diet is also essential.

Also, like branches, the more you cut and trim them, the stronger they get. Same goes for hair

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

aloe Vera is great but buy the plant apply the jelly part to your hair it works for me

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Going into an altered state and visualizing what you want will work wonders. Honestly, you don't need spells. Just focusing your mind can work - basically magick anyway (or science). Mind over matter ;)

Having said that, diet works wonders. Make sure you are eating enough fatty acids like walnuts, almonds, peanut butter, flax oil. Take a multivitamin daily. Cut down on sugar and drink some water throughout the day.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

OH. EM. GEE! I have the best shampoo for that! I made it myself. It works miracles let me tell ya girl. I like to call it Miranda's Miracle! (cuz. ya know. my rat's name is miranda and this shampoo is a miracle! she looks like a mop now!) Anyways. So you just put some peanut butter, regular shampoo (i prefer garnier), some nair, some mint and vanilla extract, strawberries (smoothified), and some chocolate ice cream.

Don't ask me how I came up with this stuff. But it works, k? Try it!

Mmmhmmm, Miranda's gonna work some miracles on you girl.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

I know a spell where you must exist for 2-3 months eating only healthy foods and not cutting your hair...that should do the trick.

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

gelatin capsules

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Well you see, it's like this. In the REAL world, spells and such don't work. In BUFFY, or CHARMED, you might have better luck with that (J/K - i have wierd humour)

Seriously though, talk to your hairdresser about products that will help strengthern your hair. Getting it trimmed at regular intervals will help as well. Eating habits also effect hair grown. In short, no pun intended, you can't. Hair pretty much grows at a maximum rate of half an inch per month no matter what you do. (unless you are ill or pregnant) If you really want long flowing tresses, get hair extensions or a wig. You can get extensions to match your natural hair colour.

check out this hair advice article


Prenatal vitamins don't do SQUAT for the hair. It's because your hormones are all outa whack

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

B vitamin and proteins in might help.

That said, some people just dont have biologically strong hair (they call that angel hair, and it's mostly given to blond heads).

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Prenatal vitamins are wonder full!!!! i never stop taking them after the birth of my kids,, my hair was very thin before not any more!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Get it cut when the moon is full.....

Any spells or such to grow hair stronger and longer?

Not too sure about spells, but I recall something about that when you write a spell you are supposed to spell out the intent and make it rhyme. In terms of a natural thing that may help is henna, a herb which will strenghten your hair and bond split ends to help it grow.

Got a haircut on sunday i am goin to a wedding on saturday any1 way to grow men's hair back b/c

my barber went away and i got a haircut from another person and he screwed up my hair my hair is too short anyone know of a way to grow mens hair back so that it grows alittle within the next days?

Got a haircut on sunday i am goin to a wedding on saturday any1 way to grow men's hair back b/c of bad haircut

It won't grow back in one week , go to a styling salon on Saturday and let them use some gel to make it look good

Got a haircut on sunday i am goin to a wedding on saturday any1 way to grow men's hair back b/c of bad haircut

see if you can find horse shampoo. I never tried it, but ask for it. I think it's called nexxus or something like that. You know, I am looking for that kind of shampoo myself!

Got a haircut on sunday i am goin to a wedding on saturday any1 way to grow men's hair back b/c of bad haircut

Prenatal vitamins will grow it back quick and yes they are safe for men to take and no nothing weired will happen to you, just your nails may grow quicker too.

Got a haircut on sunday i am goin to a wedding on saturday any1 way to grow men's hair back b/c of bad haircut

Sorry, it will not grow. Make a fashion statement--get a hip beanie style hat! People will think there's a new you emerging--very trendy!

Got a haircut on sunday i am goin to a wedding on saturday any1 way to grow men's hair back b/c of bad haircut

I went through that many years ago, I had my regular "Beautician" all of us girls from work just loved him. He was "Gay" and just a sweetheart.... Well, one day I caught him on the phone, and suggested to him I'd come back at a better time... Lo' and behold he was in an "Arguement" with his lover while he was cutting my hair that day... And man did he do a "Lowsy-job" on my hair!! I tipped him, anyway, cuz I figured he had enough problems going on that day....... My suggestion to you would be, too, get a real nice hat, to wear, for now, to the wedding... One, that will match your suit, (tux). Your not in the wedding are you? Well if you are, then a hat wouldn't be a good idea... Dye it, or shave it all off.... I love a fresh "Buzz" on men!! And alot of women do!! Good-Luck, to you!!!

Got a haircut on sunday i am goin to a wedding on saturday any1 way to grow men's hair back b/c of bad haircut

Do you have a good shaped head? if so shave it off, you can have that tough guy look and the bridesmaids will be all over you.

How do i get my hair to grow long FAST,HELP?

i trimed my hair last week cuz i had sum fried ens n then a few days later all my ends turned just like the rest i JUST cut off!, it was weird cuz i hadnt used any hot iorns on my hair??

and i JUST today cut of a bit over an inch and now it falls 3-4 inches past my sholders i HATE IT it dosent sute me that well :( what do i do to keep my hair healthy and grow faster?

is there anything i shold eat,take or do for my hair to grow???

How do i get my hair to grow long FAST,HELP?

Your hair needs two things to promote hair growth. Moisture and Scalp Message.

Buy a hair dressing/hair oil that contains natural herbs and vitamins and apply it to your scalp and hairline. Using the balls of your fingers message it in. This will help the blood circulate which stimulates the hair follicles which increases hair growth. Do this at least two times a week.

How do i get my hair to grow long FAST,HELP?

vitamins and supplements that contain BIOTIN a natural B vitamin are supposed to help. It worked for me, but you should consult a physician before trying anything medically even vitamins and supplements.

How do i get my hair to grow long FAST,HELP?

Any vitamins are good!

How do i get my hair to grow long FAST,HELP?

u should get a good shampoo and conditioner that prevents frizziness so u can grow ur hair longer before u have to cut it again. i recommend Garnier Fructis Long and Strong or Sunsilk De-Frizz. These shampoo and conditioners with reduce split ends and let ur hair grow faster. u should also get a good cream to put in ur hair to close split ends and to give u a little shine. good luck!

How do i get my hair to grow long FAST,HELP?

what? i can't even read this jibberish.

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

i got a really bad hir cut and i want it to grow back. how is the faster way to get it to my shoulders without extensions. any good shampoos and conditioner, grease. vitamins. how to get my hair with alot of body.

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

prenatal vitamins, you can get them at GNC or grocery stores

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

I had a roommate who used horse shampoo. She swears her hair grew faster, but don't use it extensively (for longer than a few weeks at a time) or hair will become brittle.

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

good question i wanna know an answer too but i think vitamin e makes it grow more ir ead that in teen people or seventenn......

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

Vitamins and gelatin tablets. You can buy them at a pharmacy pretty cheap. It's not going to happen overnight, though. Fructis also make a shampoo--Long n Strong that is supposed to help grow hair faster and stronger. Hope this helps!

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

hey, i had the same problem and best bet is to wash it every other day, tie it back in a pony tail, well u can try using Loreal elvive- anti breakage shampoo and conditioner, no straighteners or blow dryers though just tie it back in a loose pony tail, that should do it, g luck.

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

Take Kelp tablets- you can get them from health food stores and they really work.

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

there really isnt anything to make it grow faster. i always though if you wear it up tight it does lmao, my hair grew like a weed

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

rosemary essential oil added to your daily moisturizer or grease....put it on ur scalp at least 3x weekly....sprouting like a weed...or sulfur powder added into ur grease or moisturizer..sames as the rosemary....

do not use rosemary if you are pregnant or have heart problems....

How do i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

The only way to get your hair to grow faster is VERY good nutrition. Hair growth is directly related to the amount of protein and vitamin B you eat. Meat and raw green veggies %26lt;not iceburg lettuce%26gt; is the best suggestion. No shampoo, conditioner, or treatment can do it. Horse shampoo does not make hair grow faster. It is a very waxy product that is meant to build up on COARSE textured hair to look smooth and shiny. There is not one ingredient in the popular horse shampoos that can or will stimulate fast growth.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

I just cut my hair and i don't like it, so i want it back but it's growing really slow.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

Prenatal vitamins DO work.. I've continued to take them, even after my son was born.. and my hair is longer and thicker than ever. Also, they less heat you use on your hair (like blow-driers and curling irons), the better. Heat can cause your hair to split and break.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

Olive oil. Olive oil is really good for hair, just massage a few drops into it. If you think that's weird (it is oil after all!), you can try olive oil products, the Body Shop has them.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

shave it.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

Take prenatal vitamins. The folic acid speeds up hair and nail growth.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

I heard that if you don't wash your hair quite as often, the natural oils in your hair will promote hair growth.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

8 oz. avocado oil

30 gram rosemary

5 drops peppermint oil

mix these three ingredients

you can either place them in a glass container (heat resistant) and place in an oven for 20 minutes at 300 deg F OR place in a dark colored glass bottle and store a dark place for 6 weeks

once you have completed the above step, strain the oil to remove the rosemary

(use chese cloth or similar cloth and squeeze the extra oil out)

once you have strained the oil you can massage one teaspoonful into your sclap three times a day

store the unused portion in a dark colored bottle in a cool dark place (not cold), you can store it for up to 3 months

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

Your hair growth speed is up to the way you body processes protien, and you can promote healthy hair growth how ever by simply eating more protien, and talking a multi Vitamin. GNC has a great hair skin and Nail formula.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

I believe there is a shampoo at the super markets. Not sure of the name..but look around, and it's supposed to stimulate hair growth. Its better than sticking avocado in ur hair.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

Prenatal vitamins!

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

Stimulating the scalp helps promote blood flow and hair growth, so while you moisturize your hair, give it a good brushing and you'll have shine to.

When I cut my hair short, it took time to grow it back, but getting braids helped speed up the process. You can get them done for the spring or summer with cornrolls that can last for a month, individual braids that can last for 2 months, etc. Find a light sheen spray and a braiding spray for daily treatment. Each time you take the braids out, treat (moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner) and wait at least 5 days before you get them put back into braids. I did this for 4 months and my hair grew at least 2 to 3 inches.

A product that really helped my hair is Olive Oil products by Organic Root Stimulator,

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

I'm using Exoctic allure from My hair is growing an inch per month. My skin as flawless and my nails are long. My hair is very conditioned, strong, thick, and shiny.Fast Grow is an essential Black hair care tool for the following reasons:

é–³?Faster hair growth

é–³?Healthy Hair

é–³?Stronger hair

é–³?Improved hair manageability

é–³?It can help heal damaged hair breakage

é–³?It can increase the black hair growth rate

é–³?It can help hair resist the damage from hair relaxers

é–³?In reality, the only way to get healthy, damage resistant hair is through proper nutrition and that's exactly what Fast Grow provides

It is made of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and botanical oils. It does not contain any man made drugs.Fast Grow provides a potent formulation of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that the body needs to grow strong, healthy hair, skin and nails.

It also contains biotin. I had acne but it wasn't that bad. I notice my face clearing up after 2 weeks. My skin usually breaks out during monthly cycles, ever since I begin takin fast grow by exotic allure. My skin stop breking out. Ilove this product. I plan to have waist length hair by the end on the year.

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

Ask a doctor -- NOTHING will make your hair grow faster than it's biologically designed to grow (which is slightly different for all people).

What you can do is keep yourself in good health, so that your hair will grow at its maximum speed. If your body is deficient in nutrients or sleep or exercise, then your hair may not grow as its maximum.

The reason prenatal and other vitamins work is that the person was deficient in those nutrients in the first place. But absolutely nothing will speed up your growth faster than the speed it's designed to grow.

There are things you can do to keep the hair in general healthy and to help keep split ends to a minimal (it's normal and natural to have some split ends).

What makes yout hair grow longer faster?

Try wild growth hair oil along with Gueye's hair vitamins or hair energizer vitamins.

Im black and i want my hair to grow longer??

what can i do to grow longer hair? im 15 so i dont want any suggestions that will gost me hundreds of dollars...i just want to kno if there is any specific shampoo and stuff that i should use and how and what should i do to treat my hair

Im black and i want my hair to grow longer??

keep it trimmed (usually after each time you relax it) take good care of your hair its best to go to a LICENSED PROFESSIONAL let them know that you are really concerned with growing your hair. There arent really any products that will make your hair grow altough they may claim to.

Im black and i want my hair to grow longer??

try getting it trimmed

Im black and i want my hair to grow longer??

Try hair extension not all of them are too expensife or too cheap if you find your color or any thing really close and it dos'nt look too fake buy it. if you know someone who does hair ask them for a discount or a certain brand go to the closest hair place and ask them.

Any tips for an 13 year old girl to grow her hair longer?

My hair is almost like the one I have in my avatar.. But I cut my hair and is like an inch shorter... I'm African American and part Portuguese! For some reason, a lot of people say I have a head full of hair.. What do that mean also?

I put conditioner on my hair every time I wash it and I hardly use heat on my hair... I want to grow my hair longer for high school.. I'm in the 8th Grade.. Next year is high school for me..

Any tips for an 13 year old girl to grow her hair longer?

Time, I've found not a lot else helps. It sounds as though you are taking good care of your hair, Keep it up and be sure and get regular trims.

Any tips for an 13 year old girl to grow her hair longer?

get it trimmed on a regular basis, every 6 weeks or so, and brush before bed and after the shower, massage your scalp really good while your washing it.. that will stimulate the follicles and help it to grow.,

Any tips for an 13 year old girl to grow her hair longer?

get it trimmed on a regular basis, every 6 weeks or so, and brush before bed and after the shower, massage your scalp really good while your washing it.. that will stimulate the follicles and help it to grow.,

Any tips for an 13 year old girl to grow her hair longer?

i'm 11 yrs old and my hairs past my's really long

Any tips for an 13 year old girl to grow her hair longer?

A full head of hair means you have a lot of hair. It doesn't necessarily mean long. Anyways, is your hair relaxed? That probably stunted the growth. I recommend joining this site: for tips on caring for relaxed hair.

Any tips for an 13 year old girl to grow her hair longer?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Does gray hair grow faster than black on chest?

I have a hairy chest and have noticed that the gray hair grows faster than the black. I shave or trim my chest hair periodically %26amp; this really makes this apparent. ANY EXPLANATION!

Does gray hair grow faster than black on chest?


Does gray hair grow faster than black on chest?

Have to look this one up.

Does gray hair grow faster than black on chest?


How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

i really want to grow my hair out! And i want to grow it out 5 more inches. How long would this take ?

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

On average, hair grows about 1/2 inch per month. It will take the average person approximately 10 months to grow out 5 inches. Although vitamins won't help it grow faster, it can make your hair healthier, and don't forget about proper trims!

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

avarage one week

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

a year or so........sometimes even longer

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

i'm guessing like 6 months.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

6 to 7 months

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

mine takes about 4 months

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

a year.. idk but my hair grew 4 inches in a year

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

5 inches would take me about a year and a half to two years.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

about 5 months to a year depening on your hair

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

could be anywhere from 6-10 months im thinking? my hair grows really quickly, so im not sure.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

on average hair grows half an inch every month

so 10 months to grow 5 inches.

this can be sped up by

a)getting a fever

b)eating more protein [meat, egg whites, etc]

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

The average is 1 -2 1/2 inches per month gosh so ill take you about three months

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

About five months. It grows about an inch every month. Good luck.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

On average, hair grows half an inch every month.

It would take about 10 months.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

10 months ... hair grows 1/2 inch a month, on the average ... but be sure to trim it; for some reason trimming the ends stimulates growth ...

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

Hair grows 1/2 inch to 1 inch a will take you 6-7 months or longer depending on how healthy you keep your hair. A trim every 4-6 weeks will keep it healthy.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

typically about 10 mos

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

if you take good care of your hair and you cut your hairs ends atleast once every 2-3 months and use no heat on your hair or anything that damages it. it will take 2 months to grow 1 inch. and it will even grow faster!

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

Everyone's rate of hair growth varies, but as soon as it's long enough to pull up into a ponytail or a bun on top of your head you will find that it grows faster if you keep it twisted up into a bun or pulled into a ponytail. I don't know why it works, but it does.

My hair grows exceedingly slow - until it's just to shoulder-length; then it always just seemed to stop growing - until, that is, a hairdresser told me to keep it twisted up on top of my head as much as possible. Thereafter, it grew longer faster. Now, it's below my waist, and I still keep it tied up as much as possible.

Be sure to use something like Infusium Leave-In Hair Treatment to prevent split ends and tangling.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

Everyone's hair grows an average of an half an inch a month. If you wait more than 4-5 weeks to trim the split ends off....eventually they break off. When that happens you break off more than the half inch you grew.

However, if you trim the very ends every 4 weeks to prevent the breakage from occuring in the first will keep most of that half inch you grow every month. Combine that with a salon shampoo and conditioner....and you can get 6 or more inches of healthy hair every year.

The biggest trick is finding that special hairdresser than will only trim the very tips. If you explain what you're doing...they should work with you of getting the length to where you want it. The other thing in growing your hair out is to always grow from style to style....not length to length. That way you're never going to be bored with your hair and be tempted to cut it off...;)

Always use professional products, they are formulated to not buildup on the hair as fast and to actually strengthen the hairshaft. There is no magic to getting long hair. You can try all the little concoctions people suggest....but the bottom line is you hair will grow from the root no matter what you do to the already grown hair. Once the hair has left the's consider dead keratin protien. You just need to treat it right so it stays looking nice.

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

Hair grows about 1/2 inch a month. It will take about 10 months. And there really isn't anything that can help your hair grow super fast ex: like 2 inches on one month is not going to happen but some people's hair grows like a weed. lol

How long will it take a average person's hair to grow 5inches?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

hey there =]

i wonder if you guys have any idea how long will it take for my hair this short:

to grow this long:

i know the first girl has thinner hair, but my hair's thick like the second girl's. anyways i take complex B and i take good care of my hair. oh and its wavy.

=] thanks!

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

A year, or year and a half. All depends on how fast your hair grows. Wavy hair typically takes longer to grow than straight hair.

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

like two years well maybe less but around there good luck.

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

it all depends that would take me like a year

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

Mine took about 19 months to get from the first to the second length, but we are all individuals with different speeds of growth, no one will be able to give you a firm answer I'm afraid.

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

a couple years? try wildgrowth hair oil. apparently it makes your hair grow like crazy.

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

it can take a while. everyone is different and remember that is alot of hair to grow out. when you are trying to grow out your hair u have to remember to keep your hair healthy. it doesnt matter if it grows really fast but if the hair is not healthy you will need to cut it off like that it doesnt ruin the rest of ur hair. what i would recommend is try growing out ur hair but keep looking at ur ends make sure they are healthy! try to keep them as healthy as u can. if they get dry or split ends starts to how get a trim and tell them only to cut lil off! i would know i been growing out my hair for a year now and only this week did i go for a trim cause only now did i need it. remember keep ur hair healthy! thats the most important part!

edit...what the ppl above me said is can take about two years to grow out... sucks dont it...

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

more than a year but less than 30 months

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

a few years. i got my hair cut to my shoulders in 3rd grade, and its just now below my upper back. now im in 9th.

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

It depends on how often you wash it.

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

idk if this helps but my hair grows at like 1 in per month, but it really has to do with how fast your hair grows and how good you eat, if you eat unhealthy foods your hair wont grow as fast because it won't have as much nutrients, but given its wavy i bet if you straighten it out it will look longer, also think again about extensions-if your hair is too thick then get it thinned- but anyway it will be alot harder to manage too

How long will it take my hair to grow (pictures inside)?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

What are wyas to make your hair grown longer faster? And how long does hair grow per month?

Just wonderin? Is there anything I can use to keep my hair growing healthy? I have curly hair and I just cut it up to my shoulders.

What are wyas to make your hair grown longer faster? And how long does hair grow per month?

your hair grows half an inch per month. when i got this awful willy wonka looking hair cut. i just deep conditioned my hair once a week, didn't use heat on it, and took my vitamins. it grew very fast. i also heard that the pregnatal vitamins make your hair longer and shinier.

What are wyas to make your hair grown longer faster? And how long does hair grow per month?

don't laugh because this is true get your hair cut on the full moon not after this will make your hair grow faster i do not know why but it works the hair grows 1/4 of a inch to a 1/2 inch a month

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against

The school wont let me grow my hair past my collar. The teachers let some people grow it and some don't. They told me to cut my hair when it wasn't even touching my collar and there are other people with hair to their shoulders and they get away with it. Is it against my rights?

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

Not if the other people are girls. Private schools can have dress and appearance codes. So can public schools, for that matter.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

You have no civil rights as against a private school, aside from a certain set of protected categories (race, sex, religion). Your Constitutional rights only protect you from governmental or quasi-governmental actors.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?


I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

Well, being a private school, there is probobly nothing you can do about it.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

Not against your rights, but you could complain that the 'rules' are not being consistently enforced. That way you will either be able to grow your hair longer or the other people will have to cut their hair - but that way certainly won't make you any friends.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

It is a private school and they often have crazy rules but if they allow other members to then yes I would def say it is not fair. Have you gone to the principal about this issue?

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

If you are a male, and the code of conduct or dress code for the school includes hair length for males, then they are within their rights asking you to cut it.

Your rights on this issue are governed by the schools rules. If, however, you are being unfairly singled out (other boys have long hair, rules are only enforced on you or a small group of students), then you may have a case.

Remember, you have to prove that the rules aren't being enforced equally among the students. Otherwise, sorry, you're out of luck!

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

No. Sorry to say, becuase it's their school and they make the rules. They can do whatever they want because they aren't run by the gov't. (Was the person who had hair to their sholders a girl? If it was private schools allow that.)

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

Well considering its a private school the probably want to maintain a clean image of there students...mabey they made you cut it because you kept it messy? at my school (i go to a private school aswell) they make guys with hair past there eyes cut there hair because they believe it "interfears with learning" i dont really agree with it but hey...

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

You do not have any right to grow your hair long - too bad.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

At my public school they ask people to cut their hair but never tell them to.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

It is your privildge to conform to the rules of your private school, in order to remain enrolled

otherwise, you may depart to greener pastures

once you are 21 and truly and adult (18 in some parts)

you can wear you hair down to your armpits

never shave

never bathe

never brush your teeth

it will be your "right"

We will also have the right not to associate with you


on a sadder note - look how society has lost

with so many demanding their "rights"


sorry you got a grouchy grandpa to answer your question

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

If you are going to demand rights every where you go, your hair isn't going to be your problem. You won't fit in to any group. As soon as you have more than one person in a group there needs to be give and take to make it work. The more people you have, the more give and take needed. The more you demand the less you fit in. One needs to find the groups that best fit one's needs. So, if you don't fit the school go to one that lets everyone have their hair anyway they want. It would make a good picture.

I'm going to a private school but they wont let me grow my hair past my collar. Is this against my rights?

I'm guessing the people with longer hair have really good grades or are star athletes.

A private school can set whatever standards it wants.

Get a haircut!

How long will my armpit hair take to grow? answer please!!?

i just realized i had a few black armpit hairs, not really long, probably around quarter of an inch, and im 14. how long does it normally take for armpit hair to grow to a visible stage from where im at now?

How long will my armpit hair take to grow? answer please!!?

I'd say a couple months.... in 6 months I would assume it would be very visible.

How long will my armpit hair take to grow? answer please!!?

Don't get so excited about armpit hair growth. When you reach your late 20s, early 30s, you'll just find it cleaner and easier to shave them. That's what I do.

How long will my armpit hair take to grow? answer please!!?

i dont know but why dont you just start shaving them now??

How long will my armpit hair take to grow? answer please!!?

It is absolutely normal. A 2006 study of 15,000 Americans aged 11-18 of of appearance of underarm hair in puberty gave the following results:

Age% with some growth% with full growth

11 3 %26lt;1

12 13 %26lt;1

13 42 8

14 77 21

15 96 48

16 99 81

17 %26gt;99 90

18 %26gt;99 95

Some says that scalp hair grows averagely 0.4 mm/day or 6 inches per year. For armpit hair maybe it takes around the same time or less to grow. Means that to grow 1/4 inch it takes half a month, or less.

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

i just got out of the military and i want to grow my hair out quick, so i wont look bad playing in a metal band. any suggestions, and please, if your going to put a stupid answer for easy points, please dont bother.

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

You can do several things to help hair growth. The best is to take some vitamin E or increase vitamin E in your diet. Also scalp massage, getting regular trims, and some people swear by using horse shampoo and conditioner (gives you silky and shiny hair).

Thanks for your service to our country!

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

I think just keeping your scalp moisturized not with lotion, but just using conditioner in the shower. I think they have some products out there too, although im not sure how effective they are.

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

Braid it at night when you go to sleep, trim it every 1 to 2 monthes, and take vitamin E.

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

Have you ever seen those commercials for "Hair Growth For Men"? Well its supposed to make your hair grow either 'faster' or just 'more hair'....dunno.

Good Luck.

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

get all hair removed then hiar will grow faster

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

Massage the scalp, anything that will stimulate the blood flow will help your hair grow. When it gets a bit longer use a soft brush and I know this will sound girly but brush your hair a few times a day. Your hair will grow about a 1/2 inch a month, so you have a ways to go but this will help.

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

There are special herbs and vitamins you can take to stimulate hair growth!

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

I use to take Biotin Vitamins and they even have shampoo and conditioner from GNC, store. Or any Vitamin Store, as I don't know where you are. I was growing my hair, longer for my wedding, and I tell you this....................IT WORKED!

I have very long, thick, wavy, brown hair. I love it and I get great compliments. All I would say is that when you wash your hair, massage your scalp, gently, and steam will help it grow faster, also, so if you go to a gym, hit the steamer!

Lots of luck or should I say, LOCKS of luck! I wish you the best and hope I helped and something works for YOU!

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

i heard that this shampoo horse mane , grows hair quick and stronger, i think its in a white bottle with purple lettering i think

and the horse picture, a friend of mine used it and she liked it.

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

try aloe vera

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

better you have to put methi daily to your hair.and apply some oil daily it will comes you to get hair to grow faster

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to get hair grow faster

Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/


Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair


Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness

Makeup/Hair styles

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

oil...............and if u eat coconut so

1)the hair will grow fast

2)will get beautiful

3)and u will get fair.....

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

sprinkle some fairy dust on always worked for yay 2 points

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

cut it on a full moon, and eat gelatin capsules

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

drink unflavored gelatin

Does anyone know how to get hair to grow faster?

get it trimmed regualrly helps it be healthier, which may hekp hair growth, massage your scape teice a day as i relax's the head and allow for new folicals to grow.

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

I want my hair to grow long pretty fast. I have shoulder length hair. Any advice?

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Wait until a full moon and get bitten by a werewolf.

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Use garnier fructis shampoo and conditioner every other day. Eat fruits and have a balanced diet.

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

use a special type of shampoo and try cutting the very edge of your hair off every other week

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

mane and tail shampoo and conditioner

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Indians have very long pretty hair because the soak their hair in coconut oil once a day for five minutes and then shower. try it it works!

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Massage you scalp. This will stimulate hair growth. Be gentle on your head, and brush your hair often. No tight ponytails. Try not to tug, etc.

People's hair grow at different rates. Just have to let nature go it's course. Good luck!

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

try eating healthy food groups or vitamins

dint trim your hair comb it every night 100 times and condition every time and oil your hair with con nut oil which Indians use

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

well.. deffinetelly dont cut it .. though make sure you dont have any dead ends, because that could stop your hair from growing long.

%26amp; if that doesnt work... extensions?

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Green Tea Shampoo

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Cutting split ends makes the APPEARANCE does not make your hair grows from your scalp. Having a healthy diet is all you can do to make it GROW. to make it LOOK add conditioners and the such but that stuff doesn't make it grow. Some of you need a science class again.

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Stimulate your scalp everynight by washing with the tail and mane shampoo and conditioner. Make sure you trim all the dead ends off at least every 2-4 weeks. If you dont your hair may break off. Mine went from shoulder length to half way down my back in less than a year. However, keep in mind everyones hair grows at different rates.

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

well ms,

you have to w8 srry but thats how hair itself..

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Buy a hair product at the drugstore that makes your hair grow faster.

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

one word..


How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

try using jojoba oil to massage ur scalp afrter shower make sure u brush ur hair every day and cut ur ends every week if u have had shoulder length hair for a long time it might not grow because that is the length ur hair naturally is i have long hair and i follow these guidelines and my hair is growing longer! hope it helps if not...well extensions

How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Use head and shoulders shampoo and conditioner every other day! after using them flip your hair over and blow dry your scalp!!!!.....also just besure to take good care of your hair!

hope it helped,


How can I get my hair to grow long? BEST ANSWER = 10 PTS.!?

Rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea helps in hair growth. Boil rosemary leaves in water and use this water while washing your hair daily to improve hair growth. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

Wondering which way hair roots grow?

Just wondering do hair roots grow just straight out or at an angle? Like my hair just falls straight down. But if I decide to try and train my hair to stay brushed back would it be going against the growth direction of the hair roots?

Wondering which way hair roots grow?

On some areas of most people's heads, the hair does grow at an angle, usually in the back where there is a swirl. There are also "cow licks," a patch of hair that grows in a different direction than all the hair around it making it stick out differently. If you want to style your hair to go straight back, do it, but don't expect to "train" it to do so. You'll always need a styling product of some kind to help it stay where you want it.

Have you ever start to grow white hair?

I am getting the feeling that i am going to grow white hair.

Have you ever start to grow white hair?

I got white hair at 13.Damn those close Marlin games

Have you ever start to grow white hair?


Have you ever start to grow white hair?

No Im not that old

Have you ever start to grow white hair?

No, I'm 14. But my mom has.

Have you ever start to grow white hair?

it,s normal to start gray at age 30 but very little.

Have you ever start to grow white hair?

i have not because i am only a kid but i heard that if you think of too much stuff you will grow try not to think .i promise it will work.

Have you ever start to grow white hair?

nope not one

Have you ever start to grow white hair?

The odds are in your favor that sometime in your life you will

grow white hair.

My hair doesnt grow! any suggestions?

k well the problem is... i am a swimmer who swims everyday monday - friday. and i straighten my hair mosty everyday. But i dont straighten that well. i just got over it quicky. And right after i swim i take a shower. but my hair still doesnt grow. Any suggestions? =]

My hair doesnt grow! any suggestions?

First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)

Second: TRIM your hair ends (Maybe 1 1/2 to 2 inches)

Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)

Use a teaspoon of every oil and honey,.... a little more if ur hair is long or a little less if ur hair is short

Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed, fortify, reconstruct, moisturize, soften %26amp; remove all frizz I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!

The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower

You can also use a conditioner but get a light conditioner that wont wiegh ur hair down, becuz u can over condition, I use herbl essences "clean happy" conditioner.

When I do this at nite, I wake up, shampoo %26amp; condition, rinse and style as usual. Has worked for years

You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.


My hair doesnt grow! any suggestions?

you are killing the ends of yu hair. i dont care how well yu straighten it. it is still killing yur hair. also the cloreen in the pool kilss your hair. i would cut yur hair and just blow it straight for a while and it should grow

My hair doesnt grow! any suggestions?

Use a really mild conditioner (pantene is good) or egg whites at the start of your shower and wait to rinse it until you're nearly finished in the shower. Some people might say mayo...but it's just the protein from the egg ingredients. You're hair is probably growing but slowly and it's most likely breaking off because it's brittle from chemicals you expose it to while swimming.

My hair doesnt grow! any suggestions?

Your hair does grow, it is not getting longer because it is breaking off due to damage

My hair doesnt grow! any suggestions?

stop straightening it for a while. i know it's hard ha. but if you really want your hair to grow you should.

i have been taking these hair and nail vitamins from Whole Foods called "maxi-hair" and they have made my nails extra strong, so strong that I don't get acrylics anymore, and my hair grow 3 inches in the last 2 months.

The Vitamins are big and you take them 2x a day for 30 days. It has also made my hair shinier and stronger.

My hair doesnt grow! any suggestions?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

For a ftm, can taking just testosterone pills make your voice deepen/grow facial hair?

For a ftm, can taking just testosterone pills make your voice deepen/grow facial hair?

I have a friend of mine over right now and we got onto this subject shes a FtM and was asking me about testosterone pills- currently shes not taking anything. but she wants to start testosterone pills. will that make her grow facial hair/deepen voice all that-just as a testosterone injection does??

For a ftm, can taking just testosterone pills make your voice deepen/grow facial hair?

There are several methods of taking testosterone, including injections and pills (also creams, topical, etc).

These different methods affect how much testosterone you're getting, but in any case you're still taking testosterone. It might take longer to notice changes, but the changes will be the same.

So yes, he will grow facial hair and his voice will deepen. But taking pills, it could be a while before he notices changes.

I'm partial to injection, simply because that is what my partner is on. What is his reasoning behind wanting the pill? Is he afraid of needles?

For a ftm, can taking just testosterone pills make your voice deepen/grow facial hair?

The pills should give him all the effects of testosterone injections, although pills are not as powerful and may take a little bit longer to work. But the voice will deepen, body and facial hair will increase, and male pattern baldness is a possibility.

For a ftm, can taking just testosterone pills make your voice deepen/grow facial hair?

yes taking testosterone will give him the deeped voice and also the facial hair. its the same hormone im trying to get rid of myself because it gives those male traits i cant stand having.

he needs to be sure that is what he wants because once the voice changes there is no going back and facial hair is hell to get rid of.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Everytime i go to get my hair trimmed they always take off too much no matter what. its like they go sizzors happy. trying to grow my hair longer. should i get it cut even though they'll cut it short and its already growing to slow! or can i just go without cutting off the split ends. advice please!

please dont advertise any products or supposible "cure". cuz most likely im not gonna buy a 60 dollar split end mender off the net. thanks anyways. dont mean to be tough. just wanted to know if i can go without cutting my hair. would it look worse if i went all school year without cutting it? i know they say cut it every like 6 weeks. But it doesnt seem to grow then! and they always take off more then i want. i heard of dusting just getting the split they actially do that in salons? Thanks alot ^__^

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Cut and condition your hair.....ALOT of Condition.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

you really should. you can keep growing your hair, but it isn't going to be pretty. it sucks, but if you want healthy hair, it needs to be done. the reason why they cut so much is because the split-ends are probably gorwn out more than you think. you need to cut the hair a bit before the actual split-ends to assure the healthiest hair. get the trim, then try some different techniques to avoid split-ends. good luck!

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Split ends are dead hair so it want grow until that part is cut of the dead ends

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Hi yes you want to get the ends trimmed to keep it healthy if they keep cutting it too short go some where else To help your hair grow stronger and maybe faster try taking vitamin A and E it is supposed to be good for the hair and nails.. Good Luck

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?


Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

you can go without having your hair cut. the downside is that your hair will only grow so much with split ends, then it just stops.

i would recommend going to a nicer salon and have them do your haircut with a razer blade. it will trim off the split ends that you do have, and it will prevent your hair from splitting as easily. that will help your hair to grow faster.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

There are ways to get rid of some of the split ends. Your stylist can twist sections of your hair really tight, then run their fingers up your hair strands, causing some of the split ends to stick out. Then they just cut off the ends, but it doesnt get all of them. If you want the split ends gone, you're going to have to get your hair trimmed. As a stylist sometimes its frustrating to only cut off 1/4" when they really need at least and inch taken off to get rid of the split ends. I'm not saying its okay for them to cut more, I dont do it, but I can see why they do sometimes.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

i have your same problem.i'm 13 and i want my hair to be long for the 8th grade (next year). my hair only goes a few inches over my shoulder yet every time i go to get it done they fret over split ends and become scissor maniacts(spelling). but the truth is, they are actually doing the right thing. cutting off split ends will benefit your hair growth. if you dont cut the split ends your hair will grow, then break off right where your split-ends are. next time ask them to cut half the amount they think is neaded, and within months watch your hair grow. it worked for me!!!:)

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Dear Goldfish1679!

Your question told me that you are suffering from Split Ends now a days with your Hair whether you want your hair to be longer than now! Right?

No Problems Dear GoldFish! Just try following tips and you will feel reasonable change in your hair soon.

1. Always use luke warm water for washing your hair instead of cold one

2. Forget about those Anti-Dandruff Shampoos and try using a Herbal Shampoo instead

3. Massage your hair softly while doing shampoo

4. After Shampoo wash deeply to completly remove foam from hair

5. Wrap your hair with Towell up

6. Press very Softly

7. Leave the Towel for 10 Minutes

8. Now Open your hair and Comb with a Wide Teeth Comb

9. Try using Herbal Mask in a week extremely good for your hair

10. Cut Split ends regularly until they grow straight

11. Take care of your hair and protect them from dust and polution

I m sure you will soon find your hair smiling...what about you?

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Your hair won't grow anyways if you don't trim it. so trim it.

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

Bottom line. If you cut your hair it will not grow. Hair grows an average of 1/2" per month. If you have an inch cut off every six to eight weeks.....Well, you do the math.

If you have splits, and trust me, everyone has some, there are things you can do to help combat them and still grow your hair as long as you want to.

First, treat your hair like fine, antique lace. This means:

Wash with diluted shampoo, don't pile your hair on top of your head and scrub. Just pour the diluted shampoo on your scalp and pat and press the hair. Then gently squeeze the suds down your length. Rinse and apply conditioner. Use a rich, slippy conditioner. Using a seamless wide-tooth shower comb, gently comb your hair, from the ends up, to remove tangles. Be gentle and don't rip the comb through your hair. Rinse and add a leave in, if you like one. Never, never, never brush wet hair. It causes stretching, splitting and breakage!

Turbie or towel wrap your hair only for a few minutes, just to blot it. Now, gently comb again. Let your hair air dry. Put it in an updo or a braid to protect it and keep it neat. Yes, a braid or an updo is a style! Not everyone has the guts to be different, elegant and wear them, tho.

Some other hints to help with split ends. Instead of trimming all the time, just do search and destroy. Sit in a sunny spot or in a room with bright lighting. using small, extremely sharp scissors, examine the ends of your hair and then just cut off the splits, just above the split. Leave the undamaged hairs alone. Do regular S%26amp;D missions and you can skip a lot of trims. You will have to snip splits a lot, at first, but as your hair gets in better condition and you snip away the splits, you will have fewer of them. If you keep your hair in good condition, you should only need to trim a couple of times a year and your hair will grow much faster, because you won't be cutting off all your growth.

Avoid heat. Blow dryers, hot rollers, curling irons and especially flat irons are death to hair and cause split ends. If you must blow dry, use the lowest hjeat setting, it should only feel gently warm to your skin and a low fan speed. Use your fingers or a seamless wide tooth comb to gently comb the hair to prevent tangles. Remember, don't brush wet hair!

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

hair grows from the top of the head people!

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Splitends / Fruit Packs for scalp

Do i have to get my split ends cut off even though I'm trying to grow my hair longer?

yes its good to get your split ends trimmed. Its better for your hair to get the ends trimmed . I get mine trimmed every 4 to 6 months.