Sunday, November 29, 2009

I want my hair to grow long, fast?

my hair has been the same length for a while now. and it is finally starting to grow. but it is growing really slow and i want my hair really long..

does anyone know anyways how to make it grow faster?

I want my hair to grow long, fast?

Using my own knowledge I would assume that you should just eat right and consume plenty of vitamins as well as drink a good amount of water everyday. (the recommended amount 8 glasses). I find that my hair grows pretty fast, and the trick is just eat your fruits, veggies take vitamins basically common sense diet and you will feel better too.

I want my hair to grow long, fast?

you need to cut of the dead ends

if it is dead it won't grow

i know you are like, wouldn't that make my hair shorter...but it helps in the long run

I want my hair to grow long, fast?

get a little trim so you can get the dead ends off. use good shampoo and conditioner!!! brush ur hair with a comb not a brush! and avoid any heat-hairstraighteners, curling irons, etc...

I want my hair to grow long, fast?

cutting your dead ends to make your hair grow faster is a myth. hair grows from the root. cutting it ONLY makes it shorter, duh. wait it out for a few months, take hair vitamins. and drink water and have a healthy diet.. :)

I want my hair to grow long, fast?

Their isn't any Shampoo, Condioner, Gells or anything that will make your hair grow...All you need to do is trim your hair every now and then, and make sure you keep your hair healthy.

I want my hair to grow long, fast?

The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

I have shoulder lengnth hair. I want to grow my hair down to where my elbow crese thingy is.?

I want to get it grown out in about 5 months is that possible. Please help. I will do anything. But no hair extensions. Please. Please. Please.

I have shoulder lengnth hair. I want to grow my hair down to where my elbow crese thingy is.?

The best thing you can do is keep your hair healthy and clip any split ends... Vitamin E is also a good vitamin to use during the process and just well wait... It takes time.

I have shoulder lengnth hair. I want to grow my hair down to where my elbow crese thingy is.?

Lavender oil has been shown to increase hair growth so massage the oil once a week and soak for 30 minutes before washing. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

I have shoulder lengnth hair. I want to grow my hair down to where my elbow crese thingy is.?

Your hair won't grow that fast in such a short amount of time. The only thing you could do would be extensions, or a wig.

I have shoulder lengnth hair. I want to grow my hair down to where my elbow crese thingy is.?

Shoulder length to about waist length in five months? Sorry, but that just isn't going to happen. Hair takes time to grow. The average is about 1/2" a month. YMMV, depending on genetics, how you care for it, if you use heat styling or trim it frequently.

To go from shoulder length to waist, you are looking at about two years, maybe a little sooner, if you have a faster growth rate.

If you are truly comitted to having long, beautiful, healthy looking hair, here are a few tips. Gentle care! Use gentle, moisturising products. Avoid blow drying, (use low heat and a low fan speed if you simply must blow dry) Never use a flat iron or hot rollers. Never brush wet or damp hair it causes stretching and breaking, use a wide tooth seamless comb, instead. As your hair grows, protect it, wear braids and updos to keep it from friction, wind or other damage.

Don't trim all the time. Contrary to what some people will tell you, trimming all the time doesn't make your hair grow faster, it just makes it shorter! Think about it. If your hair grows 1/2" a month and you trim 1/2" every six to eight weeks, you are not going to see much increase in your length. When you do need a trim, consider dustings (where the hair trimmed looks like dust on the floor) and micro trims, 1/4" or less.

Bottom line, long hair isn't a whim. It is a commitment. It is work. It takes time and effort. But, it is worth it. If that is what you really want.

HTH a little. :)

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help

and about how long cause yeah i'm really trying to grow my hair long but you know how difficult that can be for black females . So yeah thanks ^_^

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

massage with vitamine E oil

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

i use motions hair stuff , it rocks and plus i use it and now my hair is fine , it used to be like short and breaking off and stuff but now its all shiny, and manageable , girls you should try it ,

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

No matter what you do, hair will grow the same speed as always. Prenatal vitamins made my hair healthy and strong, and they're not expensive.

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

brush it all the time (like 6 times a day)

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

I'm not a female, but I think you should try A Product called "wild Growth"...I went from a bald fade to a fro long enough to be braided in two months...After a year it was past my shoulders...I just cut it all off, now I'm back to a fade.

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

scalp massage encourages great blood circulation and in turn promotes hair to grow. a diet high in protein helps too. every 6-8 weeks get about a centimetre trimmed off to get rid of split ends and get a keratin treatment done too (keratin is naturally found in hair) try to avoid products that dry your hair out (mousse, hairspray) use leave in treatments as a styling product or hair moisturises.

Unfortunately, there is no quick fix to growing hair faster and these tips can help but results vary for each individual. some people get no faster results, some do. give yourself 6 months to a year to notice any real change, as the average rate of hair growth is between half a centimetre to 1 and a half centimetres per 4 weeks. good luck

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

The hair grows at an average rate of about 1/2 inch per month. Yeah pretty slowly.

However, you can stimulate your hair growth in 3 simple basics:

1- Eat healthy. Nutritional deficiencies can contribute to slow hair grow. Drink plenty of water.

2-Take of your scalp. Stay away from perms and other chemicals, as this will damage your scalp and hair. Get a scalp massage for 10 min once a week.

3- Conditione and moisturize your hair as often as possible, best if done 3 times a week and every time you wash your hair. Use the proper conditioner for your hair type and use products that contain olive oil and aloe Vera, this will promote your hair growth and make your hair look great and healthier.

Hope this will help.

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

Its not difficult for black women, my grandmother has hair that is past her waist and she is always cutting it.

I am in the process of growing out my hair...

I had cut it to less than two inches about a year and a half ago.. and then once again after that, I can't remember exactly when...

The more you do to it the more it'll break off... so in other words... greasing it, not washing it as often as you should, putting heat on it, putting weaves in it... will all contribute to weak and breaking hair.

Frequent perming, trimming and such also will cause it to not attain length.

Ok I'm really trying to grow my hair any tips, products, vitamins, remadies ect. that will help ?

Henna can be used once a month to thicken hair. If you don't want the reddish tint of henna, try using neutral henna. It's a great conditioner and also has amla, brahmi and jatamansi, all rich in protein. This protein hair pack is also available at Kathiawar Stores.

Coconut has keshya properties -- that is, it improves hair quality. In Southern India, women apply coconut oil to their hair every day-which gives them long, lustrous locks.

You can use the oil as soon as you make it .You don't have to wait at all. If you can warm the oil and use it for hair , will be the best . Massage with your fingertips into your scalp. If you plan to shampoo your hair that day massage well into the scalp and hair and see that the oil reaches the end of your hair. Then an hour later you can shampoo your hair with a mild herbal shampoo. If you don't plan to shampoo that day, take some oil in your fingertips and massage your scalp before going to bed. Tie up your hair for the night or plait it. In the morning , comb your hair and style it as you like . All the best.

Apply coconut oil every day...

Conditioning treatments with henna, at least once every week, will help to restore the damage and strengthen hair. Henna not only conditions hair, but also improves the texture.Nutritional deficiencies are also considered to be a possible cause of hair loss. Anaemia and a lack of the B-Complex Vitamins not only lead to falling hair, but also make hair dull and weak. As in the case of most problems, we should have a look at our lifestyle when confronted with a problem of thinning hair. Smoking and excessive intake of alcohol can cause a depletion of the essential nutrients and may be a contributory factor in hair loss. The daily diet should also be high in the essential food elements, in order to ensure healthy hair. A certain amount of hair fall is normal. It is when the loss exceeds replacement that the problem becomes apparent.

Herbs for Hair

Much success has been achieved with the use of plant ingredients, for the treatment of hair problems, selecting extracts that are known to promote hair growth and keep the scalp in a healthy condition. Not only do these ingredients have powerful therapeutic value, but the body responds well to natural organic substances.

Among the plant ingredients that have been used in the treatment of hair problems are Amla, Shikakai, Reetha, Bael, Henna, Hibiscus, Jatmansi, Neem, Lemon Grass, Bhringaraj, Mint and so on.

Neem, one of the most popular and versatile ingredients, is nature's own antibiotic. It has been used for centuries to cure skin and scalp disease.

How long would it take to grow hair back to at least an inch,if i just shaved it?

(not my ball hair,the hair on my head)

How long would it take to grow hair back to at least an inch,if i just shaved it?

2 months

How long would it take to grow hair back to at least an inch,if i just shaved it?

4-6 weeks

How long would it take to grow hair back to at least an inch,if i just shaved it?

Let me know when you find out. My son shaved a strip of hair off the middle of his head this morning. We had to shave his all the way down.

He also gave Dora the Explorer a butch dike hair cut. His sister has been traumatized.

How long would it take to grow hair back to at least an inch,if i just shaved it?

It will take around a month, maybe more or less...

How long would it take to grow hair back to at least an inch,if i just shaved it?

usually hair grows 1/2 an inch a month

so it will probably take about 6-8 weeks (2 months)

How long would it take to grow hair back to at least an inch,if i just shaved it?

depends ..did you bic it? or just used clippers? i'd say 6 weeks if you used clippers (#1). 7-8 weeks for me.. i shave my head

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

I really want my hair to grow down to the center of my back, but right now, it is about 4 inches past my shoulder. Can u tell me how to do it? Please!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

hair is protein, a diet that is too low in protein may cause some thinning in hair or a retardation in the growth cycle.If you eat a protein-rich diet it will often result in improved hair growth.To Know more about your hair will help you.

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

get a goodnights sleep and eat a balanced diet

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

same as above...and cutting the tips dont help...

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

I'm not sure there is any way to make your hair grow faster. Everyones hair grows at different speeds. Mine goes really slow too. Sorry :( Why not get clip in extentions?

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

i think eating more protein helps

but people say getting it trimmed regularly..but i dont see how that would help..its not like your hair can sense when the bottom of it is cut.. i think its just that you notice it growing more when its short.

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

both post above me are good advice.. you can also get some hair vitiamins from walmart.. or kmart.. or cvs.. just about any big chain store will have them.. there about the same thing as pre natal vitiamins.. that is way the lady who are pregant hair seems to grow so fast..

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

if you ever go to mexico they have alot of hair growth shampoos they work like crazy good

What is the fastest way I can grow my hair?!?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Letting my hair grow?

i'm 14 and i just asked a question about cutting my hair down there. Would it be better to let it grow in the winter and then in the summer cut it all off becuase then its hot and i'm naked more in the summer

Letting my hair grow?

You should always keep your stuff trimmed. It's hygiene.. Just like brushing your teeth or shaving your face.

Letting my hair grow?

Sure, Its your choice

Letting my hair grow?

Why not be a man and accept your body hair? Let it grow. Body hair is normal for men. Magazines, TV, and advertising has totally confused kids. Be proud that your becoming a man even if some friends aren't. Be masculine and proud.

Letting my hair grow?

Why cut it at all? You're becoming a man, and pubic hairy is manly, summer or winter. It actually helps you keep warm in winter AND cool in summer, because in summer hair keeps the air circulating so sweat evaporates better. If you're going to be naked, you sure don't want to be bald down there - EEEeeewwwwwww! You would look really freaky.

Soon you will be old enough to enjoy being grown up. Really, it doesn't much matter if you cut the hair, since it will grow back again, but why fight growing up? And people WILL laugh at you if they see you don't have hair at an age when most boys have it, so why put yurself through all that?

I need my hair to grow help!!!!!!!!?

i just cut my hair two weeks ago to a really short hair cut because i had to many split ends but i really want my hair to grow back.... what can i do to increase my hair growth.... fyi im african american with permed straight hair that has been colored to if that helps

I need my hair to grow help!!!!!!!!?

LOTS OF HEALTHFUL TIPS and inspiring pictures from women who basically started from zero hair to looong hair. I love it. I barely started the program/advice so I'm just waiting for the results.

I need my hair to grow help!!!!!!!!?

horse shampoo.

yeah sounds weird and maybe even gross but it works ! i havent tried it but i know people who has and it works wonders. i'm not saying it'll grown 5 inches over a night but it'll make your hair grow faster.

they sell it at walmart so check it there(:

I need my hair to grow help!!!!!!!!?

apply vitamine E oil

I need my hair to grow help!!!!!!!!?

I love this stuff... it made my hair grow 2 inche's in ONLY one month. It is called Formula 37, unfortunatly it can not be easily picked up at a local drug store. You have to order it online.

But, really it works so DAMMNN well!!!

P.S- the vitamin's do not work..just apply the shampoo and conditioner!


I need my hair to grow help!!!!!!!!?

1. natural bristle brush..brush your scalp before you style, wash or go to bed.

2. go to any drug store and get B%26amp;B's SuperGro and brush that onto your scalp as well.

I need my hair to grow help!!!!!!!!?

I bought and used this book:

Ultra Black Hair Growth II 2000 Edition by Cathy Howse .

It worked for me! You can check it out on this site:

The site also has some customer reviews so you can check those out as well.

Good Luck!

I need my hair to grow help!!!!!!!!?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

My hair is shoulder length. I want to grow it to right above my bust. Do any of you have any tips for how i can help my hair to grow faster? Anything i can eat? I don't really want to put any chemicals on it...actualy i'd rather stay as natural as possible.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

There's nothing you can do to make your hair grow faster.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

drink lots of milk

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

get a hair growing shampoo and use it till you get the length you want

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

pull it

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

when your body is healthy, your hair and nails grow faster

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

You can take prenatal vitamins and when you wash your hair, gently scrub your scalp with your knuckles.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

Massage your scalp every night, or have someone else do it. Same with brushing it more. It makes blood flow better to the scalp.Someone told me this and I didn't believe it could be that easy, but I have my husband do it and my hair has grown a lot faster than ever. Thats the only thing different I have done except I started taking folic acid. But I tend to think it is the stimulation of the scalp. Healthy habits help too, lots of water, good food and exercise. :-)

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

try garnier frutis long and strong.. i used it and in two months my hair grew 5 inches, which is a subtancial amount of growth for my hair, it also cut down on breakage as well. now my hair is past mid back! and it's all natural!

good luck!

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

i have hair down to my butt and everyone says you must of never cut your hair because it is so long but i really do cut my hair all you hav 2 do is get a little trim once a month then it will grow and untill it gets to where you want it just keep it there! It worked for me.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

im mexican and my mom once told me if i want longer hair just put olive or castor oil in hair for 15 minutes everyday then wash it out, there available at a walgreens in the hair or body isle

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

I fink if you get ur dead ends cut every few weeks it helps ya hair grow a bit faster than it normaly would. Unless thats jst my hair

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

go on a high protein diet and wash your hair with an egg once a week. this will work because your hair is over 90% protein, and is the body's way of getting rid of protein.

also you should trim your hair regularly but not too often or else it defeats the purpose!

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

dude...are you black? cause if you are you better be frikkin happy its even shoulder length! i remember when my hair was shoulder length... it broke off. i want it all back!

you know how black chicks are these days, all that weave...

some people just dont know what they got till its gone.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

this article has several things about hair and the treatment and care

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

Take care of it, take prenatal vitamins too. You can buy them at GNC.

How can i help my hair to grow faster?

cut it when there is a full moon.

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

i recently had my hair cut SHORT and i don't like it. i want my hair to grow fast but i want to keep it short just longer than it is now. around when should i expect my hair to noticeably grow?

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

hair grows an average of 1/4 inch a month, if you are lucky a little more.

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

hair grows 5 inches a year so 6 months it will grow 2.5 inches, 3 months it will grow a little over 1 inch

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

Well IDK bout how her but hair grows approx. 1.2 inch per month...take some prenatal vitamins, take care of ur hair, use mane N should be lovin ur hair n about 2 months. Im growin mine out too...cant wait!!

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

It is supposed to grow and 1"1/2 per month. But in the summer i find it grows about 3" per month. Good luck


i know what it's like to have a bad hair cut it SUCKS!

Around when should i expect my hair to grow longer?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

Any tips are making hair grow jsut a bit faster?

Well my hair grows kinda fast as it is (I just bleached and dyed it near the beginning of this month and it already growing back in), but I wanted to give it a little "kick"?

I mostly want my bangs to grow faster because I plan on getting dreads and I dont want the front TOO short lol

So any tips? Preferably natural tricks.

10 points for the most and best =]

Any tips are making hair grow jsut a bit faster?

my mom always said peanut butter would work and one day i tried it. i had peanutbutter all day, its kind of gross but it works.

Any tips are making hair grow jsut a bit faster?

hair is protein, a diet that is too low in protein may cause some thinning in hair or a retardation in the growth cycle.If you eat a protein-rich diet it will often result in improved hair growth.To Know more about your hair will help you.

Any tips are making hair grow jsut a bit faster?

Massaging makes a lot of difference to the rate at which hair grows, so a regular massage with any oil of your choice and special concentration on the areas you wont to grow is recommended to speed up the process. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

my hair barely grows and i want it really long how can i make it grow super fast?*i died it about 3 times already.

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

You may have to grow out the dyed parts and have them cut. They may further split ends, which prevents the hair from properly absorbing nutrients and makes it break further. Use Garnier Fructis or Mane %26amp; Tail. Both are WONDERFUL. Be sure to use leave in conditioner int he shower to comb the tangles out before hair starts drying. Try to avoid using heat as much as possible and don't get you hair dyed again unless by a professional colorist, not just a regualr beautician.

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

Garnier Length %26amp; Strength shampoo and conditioner works wonders

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

Consult your doctor.

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

dying doenst help

also go on googel and search ways to make ahir faster

and there is a lsit of 20 things to help

also keep triming half an inch every month

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

Never color your hair, especially bleaching it. Also try not to blow dry it as much or anything that can easily damage your hair. Also, you should always trim your hair of split ends at least once a month.

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

cut your hair on a regular basis the recommended is every 4 to 6 weeks get trim to remove any split/dry ends that you may have that are preventing you hair from growing. shampoo your hair every other day and condition to keep your hair healty and strong.

The gariner line is good to use. As previsouly mentioned the length and strength one is good. It provides essential nutrients for your hair that will help it grow and keep it healthy so it will grow faster.

Also I would stop dyeing it for a while and just let it grow then when you get the length your happy with then dye it again and make sure to condtion very well to keep it healthy so it will continue to grow. dyeing your hair too much can dry out the hair and it looses the essiential nutients that is needed to grow

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

dying your hair actually stunts the growth.. and damages the ends, causing them to break off.. quit coloring your hair!!

Mane and tail helps .. trimming 1/4 to 1/2 inch every month.. mostly the split ends and damaged parts.. until they are healthy again..

eating right.. lots of veggies and fruit is best.. adding vitamin E in a gelcap to your daily intake will help your hair and nails.

nuts and avocado are good too.. high in the oils and minerals

brushing with a bristle brush.. not a plastic one.. the boar kind.. helps promote oil in the scalp and growth.. healthy scalp=healthy hair=growth!

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

Lavender oil has been shown to increase hair growth so massage the oil once a week and soak for 30 minutes before washing. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

Whats the fastest way to grow my hair?

Vitamins are essential for proper hair growth. For healthy sebum in the scalp we require vitamin A. Graying and loss of hair is arrested with the intake of Vitamin B6 and B12. Keratin is produced by Biotin and hair follicles are kept healthy by inositol. Panthothenic acid and Para-amino benzoic acids are also beneficial. These vitamins are present in fruits such as lemon, pineapple and strawberry and in vegetables such as potato.

How to grow longer hair and do it faster? (boy)?

Hey, I have kind of short hair, and I'm trying to grow it longer. It's growing kind of slow. Is there a way to make it grow faster? I'm a boy.

How to grow longer hair and do it faster? (boy)?

I use Lush New Shampoo bar, it stimulates my hair growth and I am happy with the results:

How to grow longer hair and do it faster? (boy)?

Go to a Vitiman store and get Boitin Vitimans, they work. You could also get the shampoo.

How to grow longer hair and do it faster? (boy)?


How to grow longer hair and do it faster? (boy)?

Hair, on average, grows up to 1/2 inch per month, and there aren't many things a person can do to increase that number. However, there are things you can do to ensure steady hair growth. Frequent trimming is the most important. Get the ends trimmed every 6-8 weeks to avoid getting split ends, which can halt hair growth. Nutrition is also important. A lack of nutrients can slow down hair growth. Taking a multi-vitamin supplement may help your hair grow faster. Adequate sleep helps as well, since sleep helps regulate hormone levels.

What's the best way to grow your hair?

I am male and I have never had long hair, and I have recently shaved my head. What's the best way to grow it long? Do I need to keep it short at back etc? Any tips welcome. Thank You.

What's the best way to grow your hair?


Oh, and regular trims to keep the ugly split ends at bay. Every 6 weeks or so.

What's the best way to grow your hair?

when you have a shaved head, it looks kinda werid while you growing it back, but its probley worth it if you want to grow your hair back. if you want your hair to gorw faster then try eating the yellow part of eggs when their boiled. some girls like bald guys though

What's the best way to grow your hair?

It's a trade secret so keep it to youreself and don't tell anyone.It grows all by itself.

What's the best way to grow your hair?

Just let it grow and maybe have a trim now and again.

What's the best way to grow your hair?

um let it grow by itself maybe? lol

What's the best way to grow your hair?

dont cut it

What's the best way to grow your hair?

I know that my tip isn't helpful for your specific type of hair, but there are some people in my town that wait until there's full moon to have their hair cut. It is said to make a fast growth....

What's the best way to grow your hair?

Try and squeeze the hair out from your skull and it'll get longer quicker. Just take up a 'constipated' stance, push with all your might. It'll soon bloom like a good'un. The hair that is!

What's the best way to grow your hair?

plenty of fertiliser

What's the best way to grow your hair?

so why did you shave it in the first place if you want to grow it long? Just let it grow %26amp; get it trimmed every 6-8 weeks depending on the growth, gonna take you awhile though %26amp; no you don't need to keep it short at the back etc it's not gonna grow any quicker back to front if you get my meaning. %26amp; don't get it cut on a full moon!(serious) ha ha Good luck with your long locks.

What's the best way to grow your hair?

Every time you wash your hair, before you shampoo, stimulate your head by rubbing your fingers in a circular motion on your head.

How do you get the pills that grow your hair?

I don't know how to get qualified, but i have short damaged hair, and i want to ask my dermatoligist if i can get the pills that grow your hair. i asked my mom and she said, she asked and was denied, but my dermatoligist told me that i have a scalp disease that cause me to have damaged hair and it will only keep breaking off, especially in braids, and i were them all the time cause my hairs is so short. i don't know if that will qualify me for the pill, but i really want that pill.

How do you get the pills that grow your hair?

Try takin vitamin E pills it helps hair grow.

How do you get the pills that grow your hair?

be very careful getting pills that grow hair... it could trigger hair to grow everywhere.. even in places you dont want it.

How do you get the pills that grow your hair?

I think i had what you have. My hair is alot better now. The derm will give you a special sampoo. I got my stylist to use it and treat my hair each time I went to get my hair done. After about a year my hair was back to normal. But if you want a pill you need to get your scalp treated first, then check out a health food store.

How do you get the pills that grow your hair?

I totaly agree with hamc322 Vitamine E works wonders

Shaving doenst make facial hair grow faster...?

i know this is a myth however, i heard that shaving often opens up new facial "holes" that the hair grows out of. For example, i would have thick facial hair all scattered on my chin but when i shave it seems as though new hair is growing in spots that werent normally there, each time i shave, i see an area with facial hair that wasnt there before, is this true?

Shaving doenst make facial hair grow faster...?

It's a myth.

Shaving does not make hair grow faster. If this were true millions of bald men would be doing it by now.

Shaving doenst make facial hair grow faster...?

well, when you shave hair does grow 2 times faster and thicker....

Shaving doenst make facial hair grow faster...?

You were born with and will die with the same # of follicles(holes) on your face. Hair doesn't all grow out at the same rate.

Shaving doenst make facial hair grow faster...?

Thats a myth. You die with the EXACT amount of hair follicles you were born with.

How to make short hair grow long?

I'm 14 and i decided to grow my hair long.

It's about an inch at th top, and really layered, at the back it reaches th bottom of the collar.

How do i make it grow longer? Won't the hair at the top take really long to grow?

How should i go about with this? And the inbetween stage should i tie it up everyday or something?

Looking forward t yer answers, peace out.

How to make short hair grow long?

they have supplements (vitamins) called "hair, skin, and nails". it's basically a big dose of vitamins that help keep your body healthy. my hair grows fast with them, but keep in mind, so do my fingernails, toenails, and leg hair. you can't just pick the hair at the top of your head :)

How to make short hair grow long?

hair grows faster in the summer so while it is still warm sit outside a lot =D

How to make short hair grow long?

Keep cutting the back while the top grows. Otherwise it will look like crap the whole time it's growing out.

How to make short hair grow long?

1. Don't straighten or curl it. I slows it down

2. Let i grown naturally. You can make it grow faster than it does.

3. Yeah, tie it up if you wan to

How to make short hair grow long?

I read this in SEVENTEEN Magazine a little while ago. It saus you should:

Get scalp massages at least once a week.

Lay upside down so all the blood goes to your head

Get split ends and dead ends cut regularly

Use scalp shampoo

Hope this helps... !

How to make short hair grow long?

well im a guy and im also growing my hair out. btw im 29. I take prenatal vitamins and one a day womens vitamins and they have made my hair grow faster than if i didnt take them.

How to make short hair grow long?

good nutrirtion

good shampoo and deep conditioner

less heat sytling

coconut oil +olive oil

trim splitends

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Okay people tell me your HAIR does grow a little a month. That's not true. My hair is the same length, yeah people do say you just can't tell that it has grown because it's just little by little but really it hasn't grown, It's been the same length for 1 year, can anyone help? Is it that i don't eat enough nutrious food?

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

I have been taking hair supplements for the past 3 years and here is what I have found.

ProCaps labs makes a great supplement called "Hair Skin and Nails" formula, here is the link for that

This is in capsule form and easy to swallow. This company, ProCaps labs is also extremely reputable and carries pure and effective products.

I took GNC's Nourishair for four months, and supplemented it with extra Biotin tablets daily due to its low Biotin content. I took 2500 micrograms extra Biotin with the GNC pills.

The Procaps hair vites have 2500 micrograms of Biotin in them, and don't really require extra Biotin be taken, but I do take an additional 2500 micrograms of Biotin for a daily total of 5000 micrograms of Biotin.

My hair is growing in thick and dark and quite quickly. My hair used to be very slow growing, but all of these supplements have really made a difference.

The only way to really change the health of your hair is by taking supplements that work internally on the follicle where hair is made, any shampoos or oils or other topically applied things do nothing to change hair's structure, that can only happen with systemically provided support, which means supplements that you take internally.. Keep in mind, regardless of how many or how much you take of any supplement, hair is never going to grow at a "Jack and the beanstalk" type of rate, the most you can hope for is to improve the strength and health of each hair follicle and to see an incremental increase in the rate of its growth

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

trim ur hair every 3/4 months, eat lots of protein, apply oil on ur hair

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Some people's hair stop growing at a certain length.Not everyone's will get down to their butt or even past their shoulders. Its hereditary! Mine has stopped and its a little past my shoulders. If you want longer hair, the best way to go is extensions. I have used them, and I love them. And trimming your hair every so often doesn't really help it to grow. Try wearing it up or in a rubber band often if you atleast want to try getting it longer! Good luck

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?


My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

Your hair is damaged. Your ends are shedding without you realizing it.

Go to the hairdresser and get a trim or cut that damage out. That is the only way you will see growth.

My hair doesn't want to grow. :( really it doesn't~!?

taking the right vitamins and supplement in your daily diet would help hair growth, you also need to have head massage for proper blood circulation in the scalp:

Hair Growth Vitamins

Head Massage For Fast Hair Growth

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

I am part black and part dominican. My mom really wans my hair to grow, but how? My hair is thick, about a kelly clarkson bob, how do i get it to grow? What products do I use? Do I do something to my hair a certain way for it to grow over a period of time?

THANKS FOR ALL YOUR ANSWERS Please, only real answers.

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

well...I like all things natural, so i recommend natural products. And if you want it to grow faster, trim your hair once in a while, or tie it up in a ponytail. Here's a good site you should take a look at...

hope it works for you... :-)

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

To prevent breakage you need to use good hair products that will keep your hair in great shape. "Mizani" is, in my opinion the best professional haircare line out there. Hydrafuse is the excellent! For real growth, eat lots of protein, take your vitamins and maybe exercise to stimulate your blood flow (feeds hair follicles)

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

cut it often and dont use curling irons or flat irons often

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

use coconut oil often...itsaa very healthy for hair...

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

Is your hair permed or relaxed? If so, that changes a bit about how you should treat it. But overall, Mizani is absolutely the best thing that I have ever used on my hair. Make sure to moisturize regularly with a light (runny) oil moisturizer, nothing too greasy or heavy (KeraCare Essential Oils for the Hair does a great job.) Do this before you comb through your hair to encourage elasticity and help prevent breakage. Don't use curling irons, flat irons or other types of heat in your hair too often. Once a week at the very most. Also wrapping your hair under a silk scarf at night will help.

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

make sure you are usinga good moisterizer. Mizani is good, so is motions. use a good conditioner and cut down the amount of heat (curling iron, flat iron). heat tends to dry you hair out. use a light grease for your scalp and make sure to trim your ends regularly. Good luck.

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

I was sort of bald headed as a child. I eventually kept my hair in micro braids and sew-ins. With both of these procedures it is major that u pay attention to who puts the procedure in and that it certainly isnt too tight. The take down procedure of micro braids is very important, thats how i maintained the new length to my hair without damage, it also gave me extreme thickness that many people envy. there is also a product that i use on my hair called virgin oil, if u can't find it then email me. it gives u extreme growth, smells like sulfur 8 though. i prefer Keracare over Mizani also, just personal preference. My hair is super long (past the middle of my back), super thick and people always swear that it isnt mine, but i've had some trial and error through my own hair and my moms hair.

If you have black hair what's the best way to make it grow healthy?

stay away from grease!! i been using grease and all these black hair products and none at all did a good job to my hair all i know is that indian herbal hair products do wonders to any one hair no matter wat race u r i been using 100% cocunut oil and my hair is growin im tellin u all these products like motions are not worth it

Ive seen this question already, HOW CAN I GROW FACIAL HAIR?

%26gt;I'm already 18 years old and I want to add facial hair because some girls think i'm just a KID....

%26gt;and what kind of hair cut is that will look good on me... I'm a broaded face guy... a bit of square like...

%26gt;I want to grow a goaty and a bit of looks of Solid Snake's facial hair in the game Metal Gear Solid..

%26gt;Help me... I'm Desperate!!! please

Ive seen this question already, HOW CAN I GROW FACIAL HAIR?

dude im sorry. but you cant make it grow. it will just grow when it grows. dont be sucked in by any companies claiming to sell stuff which helps it grow, cos they wont work.

dont worry too much about it. i dont know that many 18 year olds who have loads of facial hair.

How fast is hair supposed to grow?

My hair only grows half an inch in a month. Is that normal? Can anything help it grow faster?

How fast is hair supposed to grow?

It is normal. On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How fast is hair supposed to grow?

The average person's hair grows 1/2 an inch every month, so yes, you have normal hair! lol

I don't know of anything you can do to make it

grow faster.. I guess you just have to let nature run it's

course and wait it out!


How fast is hair supposed to grow?

Hair grows for about 1-2 weeks for about an inch, a month. So when your hair looks great and in a week it's grown out and a total mess, you are not going crazy. It has growing spurts for about a week or so, and averages an inch's growth a month.

Grow faster, keeping it cut regularly ironically, will keep it growing well.

How fast is hair supposed to grow?

Look at the inside of your palm and the first line down on your pinky is the length that your hair grows monthly (this is avg growth) No there is nothing that you can do to make it grow faster. You can help your hair by taking a multivitamin, getting sleep, and maintaining a healthy diet. ONLY get your hair trimmed regularly cutting your hair does not make it grow it only gets rid of your split ends which would eventually split all the way up and then break off, but trims do not make your hair grow it only maintains the healthy state of it! Hope this helps!

How fast is hair supposed to grow?


What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

I want to know how to get my hair to grow faster. I died my hair over a year and a half and it had only grown 2 or 3 in. How can it row faster?

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

Eat protein. And/or take geletin pills.

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

Pull on it every day for ten minutes every hour.

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

burn it off and let it grow then put some ketchup on the end of your finger and swirl it around in your ear. Then you should start to see it grow. Burn it again and paint your scalp dark green, then plan chia-seeds and viola!!!

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

Use Nioxin products and get it trimmed once a month on a new moon----------It really works!

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

Just let it grow naturally. Over time, it should gradually grow. If you're still concerned, ask your hairdresser what he/she recommends you should do and if there are any possible products you can use. You should also get it trimmed on a regular basis. Although it may seem like if you do that it won't grow at all, it's not true. You have to trim off dead ends in order to help new hair grow. Good luck!

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

Cut the edge of the hair.It should be 3-4mm.Also try some shampoos.

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

Might sound silly, but if it's long enough to pony tail, do that !! Think about it for a second.... if you're "pulling" it constantly, it's gotta "pull" out, hence gently growing it faster. Make sure your hair ties are good quality that won't break your hair... and if you can take it, sleep every nite with your hair pulled into a pony tail. Also, dying hair does slow down growth, so find a good conditioner for your hair type and don't let up using it until your hair is strong and healthy again. Good luck !

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

Taking a biotin pill 2500 mg will help. Biotin is good for hair, skin and nails. If you are taking the 2500 mg, then you should only take it once a day.

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

What is the fastest way for hair to grow?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and makes hair healthier, check the source for more information and review.

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

I'm 27 and I've always had hair growing on the bottom portion of my woman pleaser (LOL) just like most guys but now it's starting to creep higher and higher. I now have some stray hairs growing in the middle and even higher up the shaft. This is very depressing. Is this normal? Shaving it sucks because then it's sharp and irritates her lip. Why must I be afflicted with this problem-- as if I don't have enough to be concerned about!

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

Same problem here man. I say just leave it alone, if it's not too noticeable that is. But never wax! Good God man! That made me hurt just from typing that. Now if you don't want the hair down there, then go ahead, and shave it. But be extra careful though, I cut myself by mistake once, and now I have a scar. But hey as long as it stills works, I'm cool.

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

Well, when youre bitten on the a%% by a werewolf, this is one of the symptoms.

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

ive seen guys that grow hair that far up - unless u shave or wax it, then ull stuck

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

wow i didnt know that could happen, maybe you should get waxed. or! leave it alone, men are supposed to be hairy.

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

I can totally relate!! Mine is 97% at the base/lower portion...then I get a few that creep up the sides also. thing to note - when your aroused and the skin is peeled back the middle is usually near the bottom and therefore not such a big deal. At least that works for me.


I feel awkward talking about it.

You should wax.

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

Let her just pull them out one at a time.....make it a game of "he loves me, he loves me not"....

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

Wait till you're my age and have hairs growing out your ears.

Hair is starting to grow higher up on my shaft?

What you have described is perfectly normal. Pubic hair does grow up the shaft of many, if not most men's penises, especially when they are beyond their adolescent and post-adolescent years.

In general, body hair on men gets thicker as we age.

If i ate alot of weat gern for say three weeks would my hair grow?

not overly long but would it really start growing also if i cut the ends a little. cause it feels like the same length forever!

p.s - what vitamins are good for your hair? and what foods are these vitamins in?

If i ate alot of weat gern for say three weeks would my hair grow?

No. No food will help your hair grow.

Hair Wont Grow/ its like Straw/ Wont Stay Straight!?

i dyed my hair like twice, atlest 3 months ago.

And my hair still hasent grown a inch.

i Straighten my hair everyday (but i try to use straightening creams and shampoo's but they just wont straighten it, like at all)

Also my hair is falling out. not that much maby 20 pecies a day i see.

(But i notice its thiner)

i have very short hair , its like a pixie cut.

My Questions is

How can i get my hair more silky and smooth?

How can i get it to grow better? (i take vitiamins every day)

Is there anyway i can get it to stay Straight? (if it helps im phillpino and europen, so my hair is like that.

And last should i worry about my hair falling out???

Hair Wont Grow/ its like Straw/ Wont Stay Straight!?

it looks like ur damaging ur hair so much its falling out and stuff. for the silkyness, would use a shampoo that does that. for it to gro better i would eat a healthy diet and exercise (its hard to explain) hair grows about 1/2in a month. to get it straight, i would go to a hair salon and do it. you wont have to get it straightend for another 6 months. and if you do all this, hopefully ur hair wont fall out

good luck

Hair Wont Grow/ its like Straw/ Wont Stay Straight!?

Dying your hair alot makes it fall out. Also to keep it straight and silky and smooth try a perm.

Hair Wont Grow/ its like Straw/ Wont Stay Straight!?

For the first question ,when you have coarse hair which is also grey be very careful of the products that you choose ,make sure they say will cover 100% grey ,and do not colour your hair twice in a row, it will get dryer and coarcer.

I would not use any more products than neccesary,right now and would continue to keep it short so that you can trim it often untill the damaged hair is all cut off.Just play up your curl for now .and becareful in future.

hope this helps countrysweetheart

Hair Wont Grow/ its like Straw/ Wont Stay Straight!?

Your hair is damage especially at the ends. You need to remove the damage area and give your hair a really deep conditioner. That is the reason why your hair won't straighten. You have fried your hair. Cut back the usage of the heated hair appliances.

To help it grow start messaging your scalp with an excellent hair oil that contains natural herbs, vitamins, and minerals and do this at least two times a week, but remove the damage areas first.

Hair Wont Grow/ its like Straw/ Wont Stay Straight!?

first, you should considered using professional products (shapoo, conditioner, and heat protection oil for iron and blowdry). They are expensive but worth the money. You should ease of on the ironning because it damages your hair and makes your hair porous (sponge like); in this sense, your hair obsorbs moister easily, and moister makes hair frizzy or curly, espesially damages/porous hair. Curly hair is tipically weak hair as is. If you must have it straight, you can try these steps...After you shower, gently towel blot your hair to rid of the excess water. Next blow dry your hair, point the blower w/ the flow of the hair, not against it (if you blow dry against the growth of the hair, you'll open up the cuticle of hair and make hair looks frizzy). When hair is still a bit damp, flat iron your hair using only thin portions of hair each time and make sure to use protection first. Once hair is straiht, style it w/ styling wax (use only a little bit of it since this product is quite thick and havy) rub it on your hand like you would w/ lotion then gently comb your hands through your hair.

Using professional products, protect your hair, ease of w/ the ironning/coloring, and using the right technique of styling will help keep your hair look healthy and shinny. About your hair not growing?...It is growing, you just cant see it because youre anxious. Cut off the damaged ends to give your hair a healthier look. Lasly, don't worry about your hair falling out, 10-20 hair a day is normal.

Good luck, and have a good hair day.

Have any of you ladies (preferably african american) tried Biotin? Does it make hair grow faster?

if so, how much hair have you grown,and how long did it take you?

Have any of you ladies (preferably african american) tried Biotin? Does it make hair grow faster?

While biotin is very important to aid in hair growth, it is not the only building block of healthy and fast growing hair, you will need more than just biotin alone to feed your hair follicles and support their work in growing hair.

I have been taking hair supplements for the past 3 years and here is what I have found.

ProCaps labs makes a great supplement called "Hair Skin and Nails" formula, here is the link for that

This is in capsule form and easy to swallow. This company, ProCaps labs is also extremely reputable and carries pure and effective products.

I took GNC's Nourishair for four months, and supplemented it with extra Biotin tablets daily due to its low Biotin content. I took 2500 micrograms extra Biotin with the GNC pills.

The Procaps hair vites have 2500 micrograms of Biotin in them, and don't really require extra Biotin be taken, but I do take an additional 2500 micrograms of Biotin for a daily total of 5000 micrograms of Biotin.

My hair is growing in thick and dark and quite quickly. My hair used to be very slow growing, but all of these supplements have really made a difference.

The only way to really change the health of your hair is by taking supplements that work internally on the follicle where hair is made, any shampoos or oils or other topically applied things do nothing to change hair's structure, that can only happen with systemically provided support, which means supplements that you take internally.. Keep in mind, regardless of how many or how much you take of any supplement, hair is never going to grow at a "Jack and the beanstalk" type of rate, the most you can hope for is to improve the strength and health of each hair follicle and to see an incremental increase in the rate of its growth

Have any of you ladies (preferably african american) tried Biotin? Does it make hair grow faster?

Biotin is a supplement that prevents hair from falling and makes it healthier... It, along with other nutrients and supplements help people who are losing hair due to hormone imbalances (or for other reasons) maintain and make stronger and thicker what they have.

It is by no means a miracle cure all for hair growth... but it does help and is safer than rogaine and other like products that make the condition worsen if you discontinue use.

Protein b vitamins and amino acids also help healthier stronger hair.

Go to your dermatologist to determine what kind to use and what milligram you will need. For hair loss, they have things like Olux and different shampoos you can also use that are by prescription only.

Have any of you ladies (preferably african american) tried Biotin? Does it make hair grow faster?

I used prenatal vitamins instead of Biotin, and they really did help my hair grow. I think my problem is that my hair breaks off and I don't get any length, so the vitamins helped my hair grow longer before it could break off. I think in the past 6 months that I've taken it I've been able to grow about 2" good inches of hair with regular trims and whatnot which I'm really happy about because my hair was the same length for about 2 years.

Have any of you ladies (preferably african american) tried Biotin? Does it make hair grow faster?

I'm not African American, but when I take biotin my hair grows much faster. Without biotin it grows about .5 to .75 inches a month. When I take biotin it grows 1 inch or more per month if I take good care of it.

Have any of you ladies (preferably african american) tried Biotin? Does it make hair grow faster?

I've taken biotin for just a few weeks, so its too early to know, but I hope it makes it healthier/stronger at the least.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

My cousin got cancer and i shaved my haed for her and now we are both growing our hair back does anybody know anything to help us out please help us if u can

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Brush it at least 100 strokes a day with a boar bristle brush, and be sure to use a deep conditioner weekly. The brush will distribute the natural oils of your scalp, keeping the strands healthy and preventing breakage. The conditioner will also help avoid breakage which slows hair growth.

P.S. Your cousin is lucky to have you in her family! Way to make a sacrifice for someone other then yourself. I hope you can hold onto this selfless behavior- it will serve you well in life!

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?


or rogain

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

eat more fatty food.........'hahahahahaha'

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Eat lots of works wonders!

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

No I don't, but way to go. You did a great thing!!

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

try vitamins

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

I have some hair growing ointment, I could sell you.....get in contact with me if you are interested.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

trim it once a month. and brush it a lot!!

good luck

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?


My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

well i dont know if this will help u but ur hair grows 1/2 in every ya

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

If you could get your hands on some prenatal vitamins it would help your hair grow faster.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

No matter what you do or what vitamins you take,etc.---everyone's hair grows at approximately the same rate--1/2 inch per month.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

my hair is 11 inches. all u have 2 do is take care of it! use vitamins and brush it. u should get results soon. :) that was so nice of u to give ur hair to your cousin!

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Go buy the shampoo called MANE N TAIL you can get it from walmart or Sally's beauty salon it helped me grow my hair fast...Good luck..

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

to tellyou the truth get preg my hair is down my back and it grew over night! well another way would be to masage you scalp when you wash it and really scrub you r head when putting shampoo on.... other than that no your stuk

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

sorry i don't know of anything that would help it grow but that is so incredible of you to do something so sweet and selfless for her. good luck.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Well, the only way I know is:

1. Eat lots of fruit and veggies. [ my mom does that and she has very long hair]

2. Get a trim every 4-6 weeks [ your hair will grow faster without split ends]

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Yes, your hair and nails are made from protein. If you eat a lot of it, your hair and nails will grow faster. Um, not sure about these other peoples advice whereas mine is based on fact. Oh yeah and you're the s h i t for cutting your hair for your cousin. :-)

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

wigs or use garnier long and strong, it simulates hair growth. massaging your scalp ralaxes your hair follicals and helps hair to grow faster

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Horse shampoo,it makes your hair thick and faster growing

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Try a product called rogaine

I hope you wont cut off your hair again because depending on your age it will never grow back fully again or take many years.I have witnessed at least two girls whose hair stopped growing after they kept it short or cut it off.. They were in their thirties

Long hair is sexy. feeling sexy secretes hormones of estrogen and decreases testosterone.. It is the estrogen that keeps you from getting bald. If you are fridgid and a tom boy, you will need extra help.

Good luck

If yu are over thirty you are in trouble.

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Your cousin is so lucky to have you. I'm sure she appreciates your sacrifice to help her through these times. Unless you're unhealthy, your hair will just grow at it's normal pace. I suggest that you eat well and take vitamins. Please don't try any home remedies or weird solutions to make it grow faster. It could do more harm than good

It seems difficult now, but this time next year your hair will look much better and you will feel good about how you supported your cousin for the rest of your life. :)

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

wear a wig if not shaved it again lolz

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to hair growth

Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/


Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

Henna on hair/Splitends/


Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness

Makeup/Hair styles

My hair is only two inches long and i want it to grow fast?

Biotin is necessary for hair growth. There are many sources of biotin such as brewer's yeast, brown rice, bulgur, green peas, lentils, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. It is present in some shampoos, so you can use shampoos, which contain biotin. It is advised to consult a physician before taking any vitamins or medications for hair growth.

How to get rid of acne for just 2 days/one week the most? how to loss weight in a month? How to grow

it's painful and really irritating.

someone please help.


I guess it is because of my diet that's why i have acne due to too much fats in my body.

I had my hair relaxed in a local saloon and it won't grow back. It's too hard and i had to have a boycut to get rid of the split ends and now it did not grow anymore.

How to get rid of acne for just 2 days/one week the most? how to loss weight in a month? How to grow my hair?i

Try using baby shampoo as your face wash for the acne. It works for me.

How to get rid of acne for just 2 days/one week the most? how to loss weight in a month? How to grow my hair?i

DRINK WATER! raw foods, like salad, and friuts...but basically drink more water...1 liter a per every 30 lbs on your body...a will get better in no time...and to grow hair and strenghten nails...pinapple juice i find is the best...

How to get rid of acne for just 2 days/one week the most? how to loss weight in a month? How to grow my hair?i

acne-use dove soap, weight-exercise, hair-kelp supplement

How to get rid of acne for just 2 days/one week the most? how to loss weight in a month? How to grow my hair?i

i went on the south beach diet about 1 month ago and lost around 20 pounds and i feel great now you should cut out your bad carbs and eat good ones you should stop drinking soda and sugar all together and use splenda. also drink alot of water that is good for diet and for skin

How to get rid of acne for just 2 days/one week the most? how to loss weight in a month? How to grow my hair?i

dont try it with urself or others advice . sometimes it is very dangerous for healthy if u wana loss ur weight very fast in a month or use some medicine by yourself. u must visit a doctors and find ur goal .ATTENTION:DONT TRY IT BY YOURSELF OR NONEXPERIANCE PEOPLE IF YOU LIKE YOUR HEALTH!

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

my hair has kind of stopped growing, anything to help it grow out faster?

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

Cutting will not make your hair grow faster. Hair grows between 1/2 in to 3/4 of an inch a month on average. It only grows to a certain length on some people. If it stops growing that might be it for your length. Take vitamins, eat a proper diet, don't over wash with 'bad' shampoo. Massage your scalp with your fingers once in a while. And keep it from to many products so your scalp can 'breath'.

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

get a short amount of length cut

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

massage your scalp everyday for circulation, drink lots of water, take your vitamins, and eat protein. YOu really need to change your diet. also trim your hair every 6 weeks.

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

Wash it less often. Dont use shampoo for Oily hair or danduff

Dont perm,color or straighten. Use conditioner (I recommend

3 minute miracle

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

Get your hair trimmed ever 2 weeks. If you have dead-end there's no way that it can grow out right and look good. Try going to a Health food store and get some vitamins.

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

trim your hair once in a month and also shampoo your hair that will fit your hair type. do not forget to condition your hair everyday. the natural way to get a beautiful hair, apply coconut oil.

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

If you want to grow your hair you still should do regular hair cuts eg every 8 weeks. hope that helps

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to Haircare

Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/


Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

Henna on hair/Splitends/


Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness

Makeup/Hair styles

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

Aromatherapy for Treating Hair Loss and Alopecia


Aromatherapy is an ancient treatment, dating back to the beginning of Egyptian culture. It uses the oils extracted from leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits and other parts of the plant for treatment. Aromatherapy has been used successfully ...................


Nutritional Diet for Healthy Hair Growth


Having a lustrous mane is the dream of every man or woman. To get a head full of healthy hair, you need to follow some tips of good nutrition. We give you the most important tips to have healthy hair.......

What are some natural ways I can grow my hair out?

By messaging your scalp with a great vitamin oil. You need to stimulate the scalp so the blood can circulate the hair follicles.

How long do you think it will take for my hair to grow this long?

I'm growing my hair out and I just wanna know how long do you think it will take to get to this length below....

Heres a picture of me below....(my hair)

It's a little passed my shoulders, thanks :)

I'm patient when it comes to hair, my hair grows pretty fast, all I get is trims.

How long do you think it will take for my hair to grow this long?

um maybe a month or two. it depends on if your hair grows REALLY fast. if you want it to grow faster, there is this product called hair food (lol ik funny but its really called tht) and it helps it grow a little bit faster.

How long do you think it will take for my hair to grow this long?

About a year and a half. My hair grows about 7+ inches a year. The average is six inches.

How long do you think it will take for my hair to grow this long?

Hair grows about 1/4 to 1/2 inch every 4 to 6 weeks. You do the math.

I've been a licensed cosmetologist for thirty years.

Hope this helps.

Averagely how many days will it take to grow hair like dhoni's?

will that style suite for everyone.should we take any special care other than taking hair shower?

Averagely how many days will it take to grow hair like dhoni's?

6 months at least.

1mm hair growth a day.

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

Hi my mom had cancer and after all the treatments her hair fell out and is very thin, with not much gets greasy very easy..and tends to get frizzy easily since we live in florida but

she has NO way of styling it other than bangs and a short simple bob...and volume shampoos just make it frizzy..and basically brushing some shampoos ,makes her hair fall off easily...can u help my mom?? Thx..

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

She might want to try prenatal vitamins. I know many people who take them for that reason.

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

no sorry

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

I don't know anything about that. But I'm sure u've heard of locks of love. You can apply to get a natural looking wig. Sorry about ur mom.

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

Use bed head: in dumb blonde , get a 100% boar hair brush and take flax seed oil pills 3 times a day. Also massage the scalp and don't wash the hair for 3 days at a time. Good luck and Im glad the cancer is being treated soo sorry she has it.

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

eating a vitamin tablet daily can help make your hair healthier and longer. so sorry about your mum! best wishes!

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

Tell Mom to take prenatal vitamins, use a natural bristle brush, sleep on a satin pillowcase, don't over brush, use a spray in conditioner, and layer her hair to make it appear thicker.

email me if she has any other questions, I used to do hair for breast cancer survivors.

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

Oh! I do know of something it's called E.V.P.3 It was created by a crazy chemist for cancer patients. You have to apply it regularly, but it helps.. find it on the internet at

Good Luck

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

you can apply for a locks of love wig. they have pictures on the site and they are really pretty wigs.

My mom wants to know if theres anything to help grow hair...?

no there is the first girl is wrong it called wildgrowth hair oil i use it and love it and i'll never stop using it it's been oput for over 20 years they have there on web site it for all hair types and they have pix of the people hair pver the months im on there to but i dont have pix you can read peole it's all natural it can be bought online at the wildgriiwth web site or at sally for like 7.99 and i love it to death eamil me if you have any question

How would you grow your hair to look like this?

just wandering how you would do it and if my hairs down to my eye brows when i pull it straight how long would it take if it grow pretty fast?

How would you grow your hair to look like this?

That syle is screaming "I am confused about my sexuality!!!"

Shave your head.

How would you grow your hair to look like this?

just part it the way in the pic and if you keep it that way then it will grow that way

How would you grow your hair to look like this?

Depends on how long it takes your hair to grow, bangs took about 3 months, and my hair grows pretty slowly.

I hope that helped you a little bit.

How would you grow your hair to look like this?

to get it that straight/flat, you'd need a flat iron. as for how long it takes to grow, everyone's is different, you'd probably know how long your hair grows best! how often do you need to cut it, etc.

How would you grow your hair to look like this?

haha Alex Evans, but yea.

You would have to get it cut to look like that.

You would have to grow it most likely a good bit more, or you could get it cut a little shorter style.

If you wanted that cut you would have to grow it out between your chin and cheek bone. Can't really tell you how long that will take. Just take this picture to a hair salon and they can do it for you. Hope this helps.

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed dow

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed down. Is that the problem? I have colored my hair a lot since I was 12. Is that what閳ユ獨 doing the damage or is it just normal for hair to grow slow after a couple years?

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed down?

its definitely the coloring. no doubt about it. try using just a color that will lift your hair a couple of shades, I have done this a million times and I know all about hair not growing etc. if you want to tell me your hair color I might be able to help you with the formula... I have dark brown hair and lighten it to a light, dark blonde and put blonde hightlights in the front and my hair has been growing like crazy!

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed down?

all of those years of colouring probably have caused some damage to your locks. Lightening is particularly damaging to the hair shaft, so if you are blonde, I would definitely advise giving your locks a well-earned break. I閳ユ獫e been lightening my hair for years and have recently gone darker. A few months on my hair is now thicker and in much better condition. If you are blond and can閳ユ獩 bear to part with your bombshell tresses at least try getting some lowlights to replace a full head of colour, and you may even gradually want to go darker. If you have dark hair already but still feel your colouring is causing damage, try and go for hair colour that rinses out eventually, so a semi-permanent rather than a permanent dye that grows out. You also need to get onto a really moisturising range, pick a range that your budget can handle and look for wording such as hydrating, rich, nutrients and so on.

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed down?

maybe the hair dye is waying down your hair...... try to not dye it for a few months(6)..........

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed down?

It's getting damaged, and it's breaking off while it grows, so it appears it's not growing at all. This is especially true if you are dyeing at a lighting color (stripping the color dries the hair out and damages it beyond repair)

I have a few suggestions:

Get regular trims to get rid of split ends

Change your conditioner to a formula that is made for damaged/processed hair

Stop coloring all together. Or, if you insist on coloring have it done professionally, so they can take care of your hair correctly.

:) I hope this helped! Good luck

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed down?

when ur hair is growing very fast its naturall.after applying colours the chemicalls has entered ur scalp which slows the rate of growing ur hair.i think its normall %26amp; there is no harm if it grows slow.

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed down?

firstly.. it could be hormones changing making your hair grow slower/faster.. secondly do you use a supermarket brand shampoo? if so dont.. there basically detergent and wreck your hair, this is bad if your hairs already light(light hair ususally meens it has to have been damaged as the could are stripped therefore your hair is weaker) and also, dying your hair darker doesnt make it healthier.. its just the way light reflect off blonde hair drawing your eyes to the imperfections where as with darker hair you cannot notice the imperfections as much and it doesnt look as dry. =)

My hair used to grow really fast. Then all of a sudden when I started coloring my hair it slowed down?

Minerals and vitamins needed to grow new hair: Vitamin B6 is one of the major vitamins needed for growth of new hair. It is needed for good health and healthy hair. Protein is a major nutrient needed for hair and vitamin B6 plays an important role in metabolizing protein. Biotin, a portion of the Vitamin B complex is another major vitamin needed for healthy hair, scalp and nails. Magnesium is necessary for energy metabolism, protein synthesis, neuromuscular transmission bone structure and hair expansion. Zinc is necessary of fitness, boosting immune system, cell division and keeping every tissue of hair, nails and skin in excellent condition.

HELP!! Just got my hair cut REALLY long does it take to grow back?

Ok im a guy and i usually have my hair at normal length except ill get it a bit short when i get it cut but never a buzz cut or anything...the lady misunderstood me and have me a buzz cut...ITS SO SHORT...i heard that your hair grows back really fast when its real short...hows my hair going to be by tuesday??

HELP!! Just got my hair cut REALLY long does it take to grow back?

about .44 millimeteres per day.

1 inch ever 57-58 days.

6 inches a year.

Thats average stats, some peoples hair grows faster, some grows slower.

HELP!! Just got my hair cut REALLY long does it take to grow back?

While it does grow faster when it's very short, don't expect it to grow like a chia pet.


HELP!! Just got my hair cut REALLY long does it take to grow back?

In a week...sorry I don't think it will grow that fast. A month maybe.

HELP!! Just got my hair cut REALLY long does it take to grow back?

With me after a haircut, it takes about a week to really notice it's growing again.

HELP!! Just got my hair cut REALLY long does it take to grow back?

Your hair does not grow faster when it's short. There's just less of it in general, so the same rate of growth appears faster. How much does your hair normally grow in a week? That's how much longer it will be by Tuesday.

HELP!! Just got my hair cut REALLY long does it take to grow back?

Hair doesn't grow faster when it's short, it just seems that way because there isn't much there. However, it does grow at an average rate of a half an inch a month. That's only an average, some people's hair grows faster and some slower. It all depends on genetics.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How long to grow my hair?

I have very short hair - how long would it take to grow it to my shoulders?

How long to grow my hair?

Well, hair grows an aaverage of 6 inches a year, so in 3 years, you could have 18 inches! Then if you don't want to wait, theree are always extentions!!!

How long to grow my hair?

3 to6 months.

How long to grow my hair?

Different people's hair grow at different rates. It's hard to say how long it will take...

How long to grow my hair?

On an average hair on the head grows at the rate of approximately 0.5 mm daily.Trim your hair often, at least once in 5-6 weeks, so that split ends and dry hair are removed. Hair stops growing at the split ends.More cheap and natural remedies for hair growth at the link below.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

and so much body!

they just dont know how good they got it.

and for you people that need proof, there was this girl at my school who shaved her head, within a couple of months it was to her ear. ive been waiting for my hair to grow for YEARS.

its just not fair.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

White people have more karetinization in their hair, also more moisture, this allows for faster growth and more manageability. But, hair only grows less than one third of an inch every few months. But also, I have known some beautiful women of color with absolutely gorgeous hair. I guess it all depends really on how you take care of it, and how much you are willing to spend on trying to get your hair the way you want it.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I love my hair, you just dont know how good you have it sista 8)

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

we wash our selves

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I'm white, and my hair doesn't grow that fast...

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???


Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I am very white and my hair grows REALLY slowly. I had really short hair 6 years ago, and now it's only just brushing my back in the back, at the sides it's just past my ears.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

No it's not fair.

Wow a girl shaved her head and now she has hair and that is proof that white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast!!!!

Well I know a white caucasian girl who has shaved her head and her hair has not grown back, this is proof that white caucasian girls hair does not grow fast.

So there, sorry it is just not fair.....

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I know right,I think that it's in their blood it's just natural for them

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

Dear fully,every ones different, 6 brothers,2 bald as a bat,2 thinning,and 2 hair down past there shoulders.

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I suspect white people, having spent thousands of years in the higher latitudes and cooler climates have an advantage in being a little "furrier" than people whose genes evolved in the lower more tropical latitudes. We have fair skin to allow for production of vitamin D, and more hair to keep us warm. Those of you with brown skin can better tolerate the more intense UVA and UVB from the sun (did you ever notice we burn more easily than you do in the sun?).

I don't know that hair that grows fast is all that much of an advantage. I currently don't live as far north as my ancestors in Europe. I wear clothes to keep warm, but if I want to look nice I have to shave twice a day... and I look a bit like a Chia Pet with no clothes on. I doubt seriously you have to trim the hair on your body, but If I don't it becomes unsightly. ...and I have to get my hair cut every other week, or I start to look like a wild man.

It may not be "fair" because you envy something you don't have. But you are who you are... think about that the next time you're enjoying the summer sun, and I'm looking for some SPF50!

Why do white/cawcasian peoples hair grow so fast???

I actually sit around my apartment with gritted teeth every night--that seems to help my hair growth a lot! :-D

How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

ok i just got my hair cut, and i love it , but i was just woundering how long it takes for hair to grow about a inch

How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

1/4 inch per month is the average, regardless of how or when it was cut (snipping off the end of a hair does not make it grow faster...the body is totally unaware of the cut)

How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

It varies from person to person. I had to take a haircut every two months. And I leave it to grow atleast from 1/2 inch to 2 1/2 inches.

How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

a month閳?br>How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

Cutting your hair has nothing what so ever to do with how fast or slow it grows and it will always and ever be specific to your own head. The average however is about 1 inch every two or three months. Some people are much faster and some much slower.

The only reason trimms are good for your hair is because they remove the dead ends. Might look healthier, but it grows how it gorws... no faster or slower after a trim!

How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

a lllllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg... time

How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

About two-three months.

How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

My hair usually grows about an inch per month

How long does it take hair to grow an inch if its freshly cut?

hair grows half an inch a month,so it will take two months to grow an inch.

17 year old male trying to grow my hair out.?

I'm going from a FoHawk to maybe something longer.

I've been trying to grow my hair out for 3 months now and nothing. it's still pretty short.

I'm just looking for some advice concerning what products to use and not to use.

I've been using Got2b with some bed hed mastermind. and some random conditioner/shampoo.

Thanks in advance!!

17 year old male trying to grow my hair out.?

On an average hair on the head grows at the rate of approximately 0.5 mm daily. This rate of growth also depends on genetic factors, diet, lifestyle and age of the person. While it may not be possible to have long hair overnight, you can use home remedies to make your hair grow faster. Some of the home remedies are:

1. Hair is made up of protein, so eat foods which contain plenty of protein like fish, eggs, liver, milk products, yeast, wheat germ, sprouts, beans, nuts and yoghurt. Soy protein which is found in tofu also helps.

2. Since hair reflects the overall health of a person, vitamin supplements or fresh food containing the vitamins should be part of the daily diet. Vitamin B complex, biotin and carotene (contained in carrots, yellow fruits and vegetable) are important.

3. Hot oil massages improve the circulation of blood in the scalp and make your hair grow faster. Coconut oil should be applied to the hair for at least an hour so that it is absorbed properly and then washed off. Castor oil can also be used.

4. Trim your hair often, at least once in 5-6 weeks, so that split ends and dry hair are removed. Hair stops growing at the split ends.

5. Apply egg white and neem to your hair. Wash after 3 hours. Alternately, mix eggs and olive oil and apply the mixture to your scalp.

6.Brushing your hair once in the morning and evening improves the circulation in the scalp and makes your hair grow faster. Massaging the scalp with your fingertips also helps improve circulation.

7. Do not blow dry your hair. If possible wash your hair only once a week, with cold water since hot water and harsh shampoos can damage the hair.

8. Drink plenty of water and sleep for 8 - 9 hours a day, since hair grows when a person is resting. Exercising daily will also improve the blood circulation and help your hair grow quickly. Hair grows faster when there is less stress.

17 year old male trying to grow my hair out.?

Dude, just wait. Are you literally sitting in front of the mirror watching your hair grow?

17 year old male trying to grow my hair out.?

I think your first answerer is a little confused.


I love bed head. It's and awesome product, but coming from a person with long hair it probably won't do much once your hair is longer. You need something with a little more hold. Like a styling wax or rewind. Try Redkin Rewind 05. Thats what I use and it works great.


Hope I helped.

Btw. Why'd you get rid of the fohawk?


17 year old male trying to grow my hair out.?

In the last 3 months your hair will have grown a total of 1 and half inches, as the rate of growth is half an inch a month. You should notice it by now. Just keep doing what your doing and you will see the result. If your trying to grow it longer you might need to trim it every 2 months. But you will still be able to grow it, as you just need to trim half an inch. Good Luck in growing your hair. Be patient as it takes time as well.

17 year old male trying to grow my hair out.?

Lavender oil has been shown to increase hair growth so massage the oil once a week and soak for 30 minutes before washing. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.